Issue - meetings

Dorset Council Plan

Meeting: 18/02/2020 - Dorset Council (Item 65)

65 Dorset Council Plan Adoption pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To consider recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 28 January 2020.

Additional documents:


In recommending the Dorset Council Plan for adoption, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change reminded Council that all members had been invited to attend a number of workshops and a series of seminars.  Public conversations were also held in order to formulate the plan that was before members for decision.


Cllr M Roberts seconded the recommendation.


In response to questions and concerns raised regarding the link to climate change within the Dorset Plan, the Portfolio Holder advised that there were a number of actions around climate change underpinning wider actions for the council.  He also acknowledged that social deprivation needed to be considered as part of the overarching action plan and performance would be continually monitored by Cabinet.




That the Dorset Council Plan be adopted


Reason for Decision


To provide clarity about the Council’s priorities for the next four years.

Meeting: 28/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 116)

116 Dorset Council Plan pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change.

Additional documents:


Cabinet was reminded that at the beginning of September 2020, councillors took part in a workshop to shape Dorset Council’s first draft plan.  This set out what the council’s priorities would be for the next four years.


Following Cabinet approval of the draft plan the council undertook a public conversation and this report set out to sum up the responses from the engagement and the resulting changes to the plan for approval. 


People were generally supportive of the five overall priorities and following consultation changes had been made to reflect that climate and ecological emergency was a cross cutting theme that must be emphasised across the entire the plan.


Non executive members welcomed the plan and made the following observations:-

·         Welcomed support for the arts and culture.

·         Noted that tourism needed to be an all year round provision and not just have seasonal impact to the economy. 

·         Expressed the importance of considering the green economy and how this impacted on Dorset’s climate change challenge.

·         Suggested additional organisations that the council should work with as part of addressing the council’s priorities.

·         Welcomed the strengthening of the climate change and ecological emergency within the plan’s priorities.

·         Should focus on management of highways as well and the road verges.

·         Expressed the importance of focusing of areas of deprivation to address social housing matters and  issues around second homes


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change thanked members for their input, the issues raised and reported that many of these concerns were being addressed through the Executive Advisory Panel(s) that would be reporting to Scrutiny Committee(s) and Cabinet in the near future. 


The Portfolio Holder of Highways, Travel and Environment reminded all present that climate and ecological emergency sat at the centre of the plan and cut across the plans priorities and services. 


The Portfolio Holder for Housing advised about bringing empty homes back into use and the councils desire to address issues around second homes as it was important that Dorset had thriving healthy communities.




That in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change, any minor amendments be delegated to the Chief Executive to approve.


Recommendation to Full Council


That the Dorset Council Plan be adopted.


Reason for the recommendation


To provide clarity about the council’s priorities for the next four years.