Agenda and minutes

Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 23rd July, 2019 2.00 pm

Venue: Stour Hall - The Exchange, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH. View directions

Contact: Daniel Reynafarje  01202 795054 / Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 197 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2019


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2019 were confirmed and signed.


Public Participation

There will be no opportunity for Members of the public to speak on a planning application unless proper notification is given to Democratic Services no later than two clear working days before the meeting in accordance with the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


Planning Applications

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.


2/2018/1240/FUL - HUNTLEY DOWN, MILBORNE ST ANDREW pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Erect 25 No. dwellings with garages, form vehicular access

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer presented the report showing members all of the relevant plans and drawings.  Members of the committee were advised that as the Milborne St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan has passed through the examination stage and that a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan would take place on 8 August 2019, it was now considered that moderate weight should be given to the Neighbourhood Plan, which was a material change to when the application has been considered the by North Dorset District Council Planning Committee in January 2019.  Changes to the National Planning Policy Framework as set out in the officer’s report also marked a material change to be considered.  The Head of Legal Services advised the committee of the legal position relating to revisiting the application in the context of the Neighbourhood Plan; members noted that the committee would need to have good planning reasons to reverse the view of the North Dorset Planning Committee which had delegated authority to grant the application in January.  The Planning Officer also advised the committee of minor typographical errors relating to the conditions set out in the report,   which would be corrected in the appendix to minutes of the meeting.      


The Planning officer highlighted that a previous proposal for the site had been for 30 dwellings and the current application for 25 dwellings was considered to be acceptable in terms of design and general visual impact with no significant harm to neighbouring residential amenity.  In addition the committee was advised that the Council could only demonstrate 3.3 years of housing land supply and that the impact on ecology had been addressed through a Healthland Infrastructure Project.  In view of the sustainability merits of the proposal and the shortfall in the Council’s housing land supply the development was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a legal agreement to secure the necessary off-site financial contributions.         


Public Participation


Oral representations objecting to the planning application were received from, Elizabeth Humphrey, Phillip Bowell, Steve Bulley and Brian Keene. Those objecting to the development stated that the site was surplus to requirement given that the shortage of homes was within the towns and not in the villages, the land could still be used as arable land and the site was outside of the settlement boundary.  It was also considered that in view of national planning guidance weight should be given to the Neighbourhood Plan and to approve the application would therefore go against national guidance and local democracy.  Concerns were also raised regarding the height of the dwellings in view of the site levels which would impinge on the skyline and the risk around the trees touching the nearby electric cables.  Objections were also raised in respect of those with mobility needs due to the slope of the site and the fact that the affordable homes had been located to the least attractive part of the site rather than being pepper potted throughout the development which w as inconsistent with national policy. Objectors also highlighted that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


WD/D/19/001377 - THE ROMAN TOWN HOUSE, COUNTY HALL, COLLITON PARK, DORCHESTER (Planning Permission) pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Carry out improvement works to Roman Town House complex to include seating, access, parking, circulation, new timber steps and paths, laying of hard surfaces and other landscaping works


The Planning Officer presented the report showing members all of the relevant plans and drawings.  The Planning Officer reported to the committee a minor error on pages 49 and 63 of the report and amended the text as follows:-


P49: The Dorchester Town Walks are a Grade II Registered Park & Garden (statutory duty to preserve or enhance the significance of heritage assets under the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990)

P63: The Dorchester Town Walks are a Grade II Registered Park & Garden (statutory duty to preserve or enhance the significance of heritage assets under the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990)


The committee was advised that the Council’s application was to carry out improvement works to the site following a consultation exercise,  which had included Historic England.  The site was located within the towns historic roman walls and was a hidden gem in Dorchester.  The majority of works were to enhance the entrance to the site and the interpretation boards.




Concern  was raised by a member about access to the 7 new parking bays for anyone with a disability. The Highways Officer confirmed that the barrier to the car parking was controlled by a barrier system during the week but was accessible over the weekend.  It was also noted that there was suitable car parking available in close proximity to the site at the front of County Hall.    


Concern was also raised in respect of the timing of the tree planted and a request was made that the trees should be planted between October and February.  The Planning Officer confirmed that this would request would be taken into account and details of planting would be agreed and addressed under Condition 5..


In respect of car parking for disabled visitors the committee requested that the following be points be noted in the minutes:-   


P52 Disabled car parking spaces and drop off points will be available immediately adjacent to the site in new and remarked spaces when the car park is open to the public at weekends

P65 Disabled car parking spaces and drop off points will be available immediately adjacent to the site in new and remarked spaces when the car park is open to the public at weekends.




It was proposed by Cllr C Jones seconded by Cllr L Fry and agreed that the application be


GRANTED as set out in the appendix to these minutes.






Agreed of palnning app

LB agreed



WD/D/19/001378 - THE ROMAN TOWN HOUSE, COUNTY HALL, COLLITON PARK, DORCHESTER (Listed Building Consent) pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Carry out improvement works to Roman Town House complex to include seating, access, parking, circulation, new timber steps and paths, laying of hard surfaces and other landscaping works and relocation of Roman sarcophagus


The Planning Officer presented the report showing the members all of the relevant plans and drawings.


It was proposed by Cllr C Jones seconded by Cllr L Fry that the application be:-


GRANTED as set out in the appendix to these minutes.  



Installation of Six new pitches comprising 2 No. Double units and 2 No. Single units


The Planning Officer presented the report showing members all of the relevant plans and drawings.  It was considered that the scheme would have considerable social benefits through the provision of an additional 6 pitches towards the Council’s available supply. Members noted that no objections had been received from consultees.


Amended wording was suggested for proposed conditions 3 & 4 as set out in the appendix these minutes.        


The Chairman reported that the local member Cllr Gill Haynes was in support of the application.




It was proposed by Cllr L Fry seconded by Cllr C Jones and agreed that the application be:-


GRANTED as set out in the appendix to these minutes.




Appendix pdf icon PDF 77 KB