Agenda and minutes

MS Team Live Event/Virtual, Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 29th July, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: MS Team Live Event/Virtual

Contact: David Northover  01305 224175 - Email:


No. Item


Introduction by the Chairman


Given that the meeting was being held as a MS Team Live Event virtual

meeting owing to the need to do so during the coronavirus/Covid -19

pandemic, the Chairman took the opportunity to explain how the meeting

would take place, the way this would be done and the reason for this. She

explained the protocols and processes to be followed and that doing so give

gave the Council the ability to continue to fulfil its obligation of delivering the

planning function and determining applications.



To receive any apologies for absence



No apologies for absence were received at the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Councillor Bill Trite had previously indicated his views on this development so considered he was unable to participate in the discussion and decision as part of the Committee. However, he wished to retain his right to impart his views as one of the two Ward members for Swanage.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 532 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2020.


The minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2020 were confirmed and would be signed at the earliest opportunity.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


6/2020/0161 - Replacement of existing dwelling with a detached dwelling and to erect an additional detached dwelling adjacent at 1A Battlemead, Swanage pdf icon PDF 272 KB


The Committee considered application 6/2020/0161 for the replacement of the existing dwelling - a bungalow - with a detached, two storey dwelling and to erect an additional detached two storey dwelling adjacent to it along with the formation of an access and parking at 1A Battlemead, Swanage.


With the aid of a visual presentation, officers explained what the proposals, principles and planning issues of the development were; how these were to be progressed; how the development would contribute to meeting housing needs; and what this entailed. The presentation focused on not only what the development entailed and its detailed design, but what effect it would have on residential amenity and the character of that area of Swanage, being in the Dorset AONB.


The application site consisted of the dormer bungalow -1a Battlemead - and its plot. The original plot of 1a Battlemead had recently been acquired by the applicant and had already been subdivided, to provide for an additional, second, dwelling to the east, which is close to completion. The current application proposed to demolish the dormer bungalow and its attached garages to create a new plot on which two detached houses would be constructed.


Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location, dimensions – form, bulk, size and mass - and appearance of the development and of the two individual properties, along with their ground floor plans, layout and elevations; how they would look; comparisons between the existing dwelling and those proposed; proposed street scenes; the materials to be used; the topography of the site and what landscaping there would be; its relationship with the highway network; the characteristics of the site; its relationship with other adjacent residential development; the impact on amenity, environmental and planning designations relating to its setting within Swanage - it being identified as area of distinctive local character, as designated in the Swanage Local Plan Policy STCD: Swanage Townscape Character and Development. Views into the site and from it were shown, which provided a satisfactory understanding of what the application entailed.


As to the relevant planning history of the site, comparisons were made with a previous refusal - 6/2019/0702 - which proposed to retain 1A Battlemead and add a two storey dwelling, would have appeared cramped and of high density on a small and constrained infill plot. Pre-application considerations for the current proposal had assessed two options: one being for one large building to be subdivided into five flats. However, this was considered to be unacceptable on

scale, height, design and layout and in terms of impact on local character and neighbouring properties. Another option - the one the Committee was now being asked to consider – was for two detached houses, which officers considered to be more readily acceptable and the basis on which this application was now being made. A third application - 6/2019/0492 - had been previously granted: in severing the whole plot, and erecting a two storey dwelling, immediately to the east of this proposal, and which was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 119.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items of business for consideration at the meeting.  


Statements / Representations



Nick Wood

This proposed development has caused significant stress and mental turmoil to many of my retired neighbours some of which could be regarded as vulnerable.  It has also caused significant negative comment amongst many in the local De Moulham Trust area where the characteristics of reasonably sized front and back gardens prevail, allowing people views from their gardens and houses of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that we live in. It is why it is an Area of Distinctive Local Character in the Swanage Town Plan.

I strongly feel that with the Restrictive Covenants governing the development of the area (now managed by Swanage Town Council through the De Moulham Trust) plus the characteristics of the area should prevent this development.

The developer first severed the site. We felt this was a good development though were concerned not enough garden had been allowed for a house of this size and therefore out of keeping with the characteristics of the area. Neighbours were assured by the developer that the original chalet bungalow (sited well away from surrounding boundaries) would be just refurbished. Over Christmas 2019 application 6/2019/0702 was submitted for the original bungalow to be demolished on this now halved plot and two detached two storey tall houses with very limited outside space to be built in its place.  This development was rejected. And many in the area breathed a sigh of relief and stress levels reduced.  However, at about lockdown, we were then hit by this new proposal. Again, wonderful timing!  It is NOT significantly different but very surprisingly the Officers are now recommending acceptance. The proposed over development of this site is still there…..The massing of these two detached houses is visible from our garden and is extremely large compared to the current low level chalet bungalow; and the effect on the neighbouring properties will be negative in terms of their enjoyment of their own properties (massing, noise levels from intensity of use, parking, amenity, street scene) and their views of either the sea or Ballard Down will disappear. We urge the committee to reject this development.

In a country that has just been through a lock down, with many people valuing their private outside space, properties should be built with a decent amount of garden. Only 6% of the UK is developed; why shove everyone into a smaller and smaller space….it is the perhaps the thing that most highlights inequality between people. People move to this part of Swanage for the garden and more open spaces between properties; please do not allow this development to go ahead and set a dangerous precedent for other sites in the area.



Michael and Penny Campbell

Application 6/2019/0702 was refused and the reasons given remain valid for this current application.  We are perplexed why it has become “in the balance” given little has changed.

Reasons for objection are:

1          Over development

The builder wants to replace one building with four with insufficient amenity space and overcrowding.  The 2 floored, 3  ...  view the full minutes text for item 121.