Issue - meetings

Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Purpose and Guiding Principles

Meeting: 31/07/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

13 Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Draft Purpose and Guiding Principles pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The committee to consider a draft document setting out the purpose, guiding principles and a supporting Modus Operandi to help ensure it maintains an appropriate approach and focus on its key role and responsibilities.


The committee considered a draft document which set out the purpose, guiding principles and a supporting Modus Operandi to help ensure that the committee maintained an appropriate approach and focus on its key role and responsibilities.


In response to a question, the committee discussed the meaning and use of the term ‘Whip’ within the document.  It was noted that information in respect of this was contained within the Shadow Dorset Council’s Constitution and that information would be circulated to members following the meeting.


It was noted that the wording ‘Views must be formed after listening to officers, members and visitors in the room considering an issue, not before…’ would stand as a point in its own right and therefore it was felt that the reference to ‘Whips’ could be removed.


The Interim Head of Paid Service noted that a current review of task and finish groups could see their title changed in future and therefore this may need to be reflected in the document.  The importance of pre-decision scrutiny was also recognised.


It was proposed by C Brooks seconded by J Sewell




That the wording ‘…in particular, ‘Whips’ are undesirable and have to be declared’ is removed from the document.