Issue - meetings

Shadow Dorset Council Programme

Meeting: 31/07/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 14)

14 Shadow Dorset Council Programme pdf icon PDF 49 KB

A discussion between the committee and Matt Prosser (Interim Head of Paid Service), Jason Vaughan (Interim Chief Finance Officer) and Keith Cheesman (LGR Programme Director) with the purpose of providing an overview of the Shadow Dorset Council programme.  The key lines of enquiry are included within the agenda.


The Chairman welcomed Matt Prosser (Interim Head of Paid Service), Jason Vaughan (Interim Chief Finance Officer) and Keith Cheesman (Shaping Dorset Councils Programme Director).  The purpose of the session was to provide an overview of the Shaping Dorset Councils Programme including the Shadow Dorset Council arrangements and allow a discussion based on the key lines of enquiry which had been included within the agenda.


The Interim Head of Paid Service provided information to address each point:


1.     How will you ensure that the new vision and culture for the council, as set out in the submission to the Secretary of State, will be achieved?


Information was provided in respect of the role of the Interim Head of Paid Service and the work of the Shadow Executive Committee.  A set of Design Principles had been established and these were available for members comments before they were further considered at the Shadow Executive Committee.


Details of the different phases of work being undertaken were provided.  The first phase had been to establish design principles for the Shadow Executive Committee to focus on.  The next phase would be to put an operating model together which would be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee in October.  Shadow Council would consider the appointment of the Chief Executive for the unitary council who would drive the work forward.  Areas to be determined included consideration of the standards the council wanted to achieve and how performance would be measured.  These could not be determined until the necessary structures were put in place.  A Corporate Plan would be produced for the unitary council and there could be monthly reporting on performance.


2.     What is being done to ensure that proactive communication, consultation and engagement is in place with key stakeholders (public, partners, voluntary/third sector and staff)?


A variety of communication methods were in place for staff and members (including monthly member briefings).  Other work undertaken or to be done included the creation of a calendar of events, a new internet site, interim branding protocol, vision identity work including developing the new logo and a newsletter for stakeholders.  The Shadow Executive Committee would be considering the Shaping Dorset Council Communications and Engagement Plan at their next meeting.


3.     What is the process to identify and assess risk and how are these monitored and, where necessary, escalated to support informed decision making?  For example, what is the mechanism for ensuring business continuity?


The Dorset Area Joint Committee had established a risk management framework and each work stream had identified risks which were reported on, on a regular basis.  Senior Management had an oversight of business continuity as six councils were integrated into one.  Reference was made to issues around the recruitment and retention of staff during this period.


Reference was made to the previous experience when West Dorset District Council and Weymouth and Portland Borough Council came together into partnership.  In response it was noted that the change programme created risks and that these were monitored by the Programme Board.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14