Issue - meetings

Shaping Dorset Council Communications and Engagement Plan

Meeting: 21/08/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 36)

36 Communications and Engagement Plan to support phase 2 of the Shaping Dorset Council programme pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To consider a report by the Programme Director.


The Committee considered a report by the Programme Director on the Shaping Dorset Council Communications Plan for Phase 2 (Delivery of services on 1 April 2019), which was developed from the former Communications and Engagement Plan approved in September 2017.  A separate Plan would be developed in due course for Phase 3 (Designing and building the new Dorset Council).


A detailed overview of the communications and engagement approach covered communication activity for the Shaping Dorset Programme, and also delivery of day 1 communications for the new council. The arrangements would continue to change throughout the life of the programme and further iterations of the plan would be developed.  At present there was a clear focus on support for members and employees, to help all understand the phases and timeline of the Programme. The next stage would see a brand new website developed to facilitate communications and engagement with residents and external partners such as town and parish councils for Phase 3.


A question was asked about the Phase 3 communication plans for the business community.  It was explained that this area was under development and there was more to be done before detailed plans and dates were in place.  There had been an update provided to businesses that had taken part in the original consultation process facilitated by the Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry and through the Public Service Forum, but this was all at a strategic level and further engagement would be developed in due course.  Financial plans would also be subject to consultation with the business sector in due course.


In relation to the revised media protocol, a request was made for the appropriate Lead Member to be quoted in press releases and other media channels.


Cllr Sherry Jespersen, as the Lead Member for Communities, commended the report and the communications approach, including the quality of the members’ newsletters, to the Committee and indicated that the Communications and Engagement Task and Finish Group would consider points made throughout the discussion.  It was also suggested that visual presentation – a dashboard – of what was happening would be a very good way to demonstrate at committee meetings what was happening and to show the impact of the communications.



That the Plan, and that further iterations will be overseen through the Shadow Executive Committee at intervals to be agreed, be noted.