Issue - meetings

Transfer of Toilets and Reserved Car Park Area to Corfe Castle Parish Council

Meeting: 21/08/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 40)

40 Transfer of Toilets and Reserved Car Park Area to Corfe Castle Parish Council pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider a report by the Leader of Purbeck District Council.

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The Committee considered a report by the Leader of Purbeck District Council on the transfer of the toilets at West Street, Corfe Castle along with 22 car parking spaces in the reserved parking area at West Street to Corfe Castle Parish Council, which was in line with transfer of assets principles. The transfer of the cost of running the toilets, by transferring the parking spaces would remove the liability upon Dorset Council in the future and would avoid an escalating maintenance cost.


Members discussed the application of asset transfer of this nature, to ensure that assets with the potential for income generation were not disposed of without due consideration.  It was confirmed that the asset transfer principles had been applied and it was suggested that an overage clause be included in the final contract.  The importance of a consistency of approach across all councils when considering similar requests was highlighted.



That the recommendation detailed within the report, to be decided upon by Purbeck District Council, be supported.