Issue - meetings

Budget 2019/20 and Medium Term Financial Forecast - Update and Consultation

Meeting: 15/10/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 64)

64 2019/20 Budget and Medium Term Financial Forecast pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider a report by the Lead Member for Finance.


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Member for Finance on the 2019/20 budget, future financial forecast and the strategic budgetary approach to enable the Dorset Council to deliver sustainable services.


Attention was drawn to savings required throughout 2019/20 and beyond, including stranded costs. The Budget Working Group would continue to address the budget challenges of the new council and further information would be shared with members as it was made available, which would include costs of the organisational design to deliver services. A particular request was received to illustrate the relationship between income derived from fees and charges against other income such as Council Tax.




1. That the current financial forecast for 2019/20 be noted and the strategy for balancing the budget of focusing on convergence savings be approved.


2. That the outline forecast for futures years and work being undertaken to ensure future financial sustainability be noted.


Reason for Decisions


To enable the development of budget proposals for 2019/20 that would set the foundations to creating a financially sustainable council.