Issue - meetings

Funding for Highway Maintenance - 2019/20

Meeting: 17/09/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 56)

Funding for Highway Maintenance - 2019/20

To consider an exempt report by the Cabinet Member for Natural and Built Environment, Dorset County Council.  The report was considered by the County Council’s Cabinet on 5 September 2018.


The Committee considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Natural and Built Environment following activity to examine the current funding strategy in relation to the management of highway maintenance. A number of the recommendations within the report related to future revenue funding issues from 1 April 2019 and were for the Shadow Executive Committee to consider. The report was considered and approved by Dorset County Council’s Cabinet on 5 September 2018.


Clarification was provided regarding the additional funding for highway maintenance in 2019/20 as a mixture of revenue and capital financing through the disposal of assets. 


Recognition was given to the need to invest in highways maintenance and to commend the ongoing work of the Highways Team who worked incredibly hard with limited resources.




That the content of the Policy Development Panel’s report be taken into account within future budget development work.


Reason for Decision


To address concerns about the current levels of maintenance and

condition of the highway network.