Issue - meetings

Risk Management

Meeting: 12/11/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 78)

78 Risk Management for Dorset Council pdf icon PDF 667 KB

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (designate).

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the approach and methodology for risk management which outlined the proposed future arrangements developed through emerging strategic priorities, operating model, best practice, and a review of the Sovereign Councils current risk management arrangements.


A presentation was provided on the consolidated risk management arrangements, robust methodology, strategic context linked with operating model of the new Council, inherited risks, risk tolerance and appetite, and effectiveness of mitigation control.


The report was welcomed by members, and a request was made for appropriate application of the methodology as soon as possible and for training of members and officers to ensure that behaviours and culture of Dorset Council reflected this risk approach.




1. That the proposed Risk Management Framework be approved.


2. That the Committee receive a brief presentation on the work underway to understand the existing risk landscape, based on sovereign council corporate risks.


Reason for Decisions


To ensure the new council operated safely and within risk appetite, with a robust framework in place aligned to meeting Corporate objectives.