Issue - meetings

Voluntary Redundancy principles and process (Tier 2)

Meeting: 15/10/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 67)

67 Shaping Dorset Council Programme - Tier 2 Process, Voluntary Release pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider a report by the Lead Member for HR and Workforce.


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Member for HR and Workforce on the voluntary release arrangements for Tier 2 officers as part of the development of the management structure of Dorset Council.  The report followed consideration of Tier 2 structure at the last meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee on 17 September 2018, and subsequent approval of the structure by the Shadow Dorset Council on 27 September 2018. 


A question was asked whether the redundancy and HR costs were reflected in original case for change assessment.  It was confirmed that the case for change did outline change costs, and that this element of the change costs related to a relatively small element of the overall costs. 




1. That the approach to Voluntary Release, to be included as part of the Tier 2 Appointments Process, be agreed.


2. That sovereign councils be asked to include this approach to supporting Tier 2 officers in their organisations.


Reason for Decision


The approach would support the organisation in managing the reduction in senior manager posts in a way that included individual considerations to be taken account of.