Issue - meetings

Programme Highlight Report

Meeting: 08/10/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)

40 Programme Highlight Report including SWAP Assurance Report pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To review the latest Programme Highlight Report including South West Audit Partnership (SWAP) Assurance Report to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee.  The Programme Director and a representative of SWAP will be attending the meeting.


The report will be published within the agenda for the Shadow Executive Committee for the meeting on 15 October 2018 and will be able to be viewed using the link below when the Shadow Executive Committee agenda has been published:


A copy of the report will be added to this agenda as a supplement when it is published with the Shadow Executive Committee agenda.


Additional documents:


The committee considered the latest Programme Highlight Report which was to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 15 October 2018.  The report provided an update on progress since the last meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee and included a request for a change control on convergence and an update on the internal audit of the programme governance.


The Programme Director noted that overall progress remained at Amber. Work on the implementation plans continued, with theme boards making significant progress on developing the detailed service continuity plans. Due to the scale and complexity of the work, the plans were running approximately two weeks behind schedule.  This would have a slight impact on the timing for the Gateway Review.  The request for change control on governance highlighted any new requirements including additional resources identified.


The SWAP Assistant Director noted that the SWAP Programme Governance follow up report was a high level piece of assurance work.  Assurance remained overall at ‘Partial’ but with a positive direction of travel.


In response to a question with regard to the level of additional resources identified, the Programme Director noted that work was continuing to further define the additional resources required but that currently the estimate was for an additional budget requirement of £350k – £400k.


In addition, lessons had been learnt from previous recruitment to the Programme Team which would be used for any additional recruitment required.