Issue - meetings

Shadow Executive Operating Principles

Meeting: 08/10/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 41)

41 Shadow Executive Operating Principles pdf icon PDF 105 KB

A discussion with regard to the Shadow Executive Operating Principles and how they have been brought to fruition and an overview of the design principles for the new organisation.


A copy of the report ‘Building a Council for the 21st Century – Design Principles for the new Dorset Council Operating Model’, which was considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 21 August 2018, has been attached, to support the discussion on this item.

Additional documents:


Following a request at the last meeting, the committee had asked to hold a discussion with regard to the Shadow Executive Operating Principles and how they had been brought to fruition.  Members had also requested to receive an overview of the design principles for the new organisation which had been agreed at the Shadow Executive Committee on 21 August 2018.


The Group Manager, Governance and Assurance, noted that the committee would like to gain an understanding of the operating principles, how they were embedded in the work being undertaken, the design of structures, principles around governance, culture and designing a new council that embraced these features.


The Interim Monitoring Officer noted that for effective governance, the executive needed the ability to be able to take decisions, with scrutiny being able to intervene where necessary.  Reference was also made to the distinction between a call-in and a call to account.


Members discussed the issues arising and points were noted with regard to the current pace of decision making in the Shadow arrangements, the ability of scrutiny to be proactive and work effectively with the executive arrangements and the need for there to be consideration of future scrutiny arrangements


The Interim Monitoring Officer noted that there would be differences in terms of arrangements between what would happen in a steady state council and the position that the councils were currently in, in the transition of six councils to one.


A point was made that Shadow Executive Committee meetings were open to all members to attend and that currently a limited number of additional members were attending meetings.  Members were encouraged to attend meetings and hear the discussions.


Due to the necessary information not being available for the meeting, it was agreed that the item would be deferred to the next meeting.