Issue - meetings

Defining the Relationship Between the Local Authority, Schools and Academies

Meeting: 12/11/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 83)

83 Defining the Relationship Between the Local Authority, Schools and Academies pdf icon PDF 184 KB

To consider a report by the Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills - Dorset County Council.


The Committee considered a report regarding the development of a revised relationship between Dorset County Council and schools and academies across Dorset into a school’s led system through a strategic School Improvement Board (SIB). The report was considered and approved by the County Council’s Cabinet at its meeting held on 17 October 2018 and was submitted to the Shadow Executive Committee for consultation.


It was noted that the terms of reference of the SIB would be updated to read ‘Ensure that every child and young person attends a good or and outstanding School’.


Members discussed the £100k of capital funding to be used to support the initiative.  It was confirmed that this was one-off funding and it was anticipated that if the arrangements were successful it was hoped that they would continue to be funded by schools themselves.




That the decision of the Dorset County Council Cabinet be supported.