Issue - meetings

Programme Highlight Report

Meeting: 07/11/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 55)

55 Programme Highlight Report including Gateway 1 report pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To review the latest Programme Highlight Report including Gateway 1 report, to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 12 November 2018.


The report will be published within the agenda for the Shadow Executive Committee for the meeting on 12 November 2018 and will be able to be viewed using the link below when the Shadow Executive Committee agenda has been published:


A copy of the report will be added to this agenda as a supplement when it is published with the Shadow Executive Committee agenda.

Additional documents:


The committee considered the latest Programme Highlight Report which was to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 12 November 2018.  The report provided an update on progress since the October meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee, including the findings of the Gateway Review and an update on the Programme Budget.  It was noted that there would be an update to the December meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee with regard to programme resources.


In response to a question, Sally White representing the South West Audit Partnership (SWAP) noted that this was not a traditional audit piece and that work had been undertaken with the Programme Team.  The SWAP report had been published with the agenda for this meeting and had been summarised within the Programme Highlight Report.  There had been some limitations to the SWAP report and it had not been formally signed off to date.  In was anticipated that the report would be signed off shortly once some of the programme plans had been signed off.


The report was noted by members.  The Chairman asked that the committee be informed if there were any concerns from SWAP before the next meeting of the committee.  In response, Sally White noted that SWAP was engaged with the Programme Team on a regular basis and that the situation would be regularly reviewed.