Issue - meetings

Proposed Call to Account

Meeting: 07/11/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

52 Proposed Call to Account pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To consider a proposed Call to Account for consideration at a future meeting of this committee, in respect of the decision of the Shadow Executive Committee on 17 September 2018, with regard to the transfer of services and assets (West Dorset).


The following documents are attached for the committee’s information:


·                Transfer of assets to town and parish councils principles – agreed by Shadow Executive Committee on 20 July 2018

·                Extract of minutes of the Shadow Executive Committee on 17 September 2018 with regard to the transfer of services and assets (West Dorset)

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced an item to ask the committee to consider a proposed Call to Account with regard to the decision of the Shadow Executive Committee on 17 September 2018 on the transfer of services and assets in West Dorset.  If agreed, the Call to Account would be considered at a future meeting of the committee and the relevant people would be required to come to the meeting to provide information in respect of the decision taken.


Reference was made to the principles for the transfer of assets to town and parish councils, which had been agreed by the Shadow Executive Committee on 20 July 2018 and the amount of work that had been undertaken in West Dorset.  The recommendations put forward by West Dorset District Council had been considered by the Shadow Executive Committee, but had not received support from the committee.  A point was raised that when the Shadow Dorset Council came in to being there was a wish to empower people by enabling local communities to be in charge of their own assets.  A report had subsequently been considered by West Dorset Full Council which sought to leave the door open for future discussions, within the principles agreed by the Shadow Council and which had received cross party support.


The Chairman noted that the purpose of the discussion at this meeting was to determine whether there was committee support to proceed with a Call to Account.


Members discussed the issues arising and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                A lot of time and effort had been put into negotiations with town and parish councils in West Dorset and it was felt that the Council had been caught out by the principle that a proposal must not exceed £100k value

·                A point was made that market towns should be treated differently, similar to the exception provided to Weymouth Town Council and Portland Town Council.  The point was made that many councils had low tax bases

·                It was felt that there was not a uniform process in place across the county

·                In response to a point raised it was noted that there could be a need for clarification with regard to the £100k cap that had been put in place and whether this was per town or parish council or per individual asset, or whether it was in place for all transactions proposed by a district council

·                A question was raised as to what action could be taken as a result of undertaking a Call to Account?  It was noted that the committee could make recommendations to the Shadow Executive Committee

·                The Interim Monitoring Officer noted that the Shadow Executive Committee had agreed a set of principles for this area.  It was the view of the Shadow Executive Committee that the proposals put forward by West Dorset, did not fit with the agreed principles

·                Clarification was sought as to whether the Call to Account related to the specific decision with regard to the transfer of assets and services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52