Issue - meetings

Future operations of Leisure Facilities in Dorset

Meeting: 07/11/2018 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 54)

54 Future operations of Leisure Facilities in Dorset pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To review and provide comments as relevant on a report to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 12 November 2018.


A copy of the report to the Shadow Executive Committee on 12 November 2018, ‘Future operation of sports and leisure centre facilities in Dorset’, has been attached for the committee’s information.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services introduced and provided an overview of a report on the future operation of sports and leisure centre facilities in Dorset, which would be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 12 November 2018.  The report detailed the current management arrangements for the various Council owned sports and leisure centres in Dorset, highlighted the contractual issues faced by two of the centres and the associated risks that might impact on the ability to continue with service delivery as a result of Local Government Reorganisation.  The report also outlined a suggested future programme of work and highlighted the opportunity for efficiencies and savings in the future.


There was a general level of support for the approach being proposed in the report which provided a commitment to gathering information, developing a business case and considering options with outcomes to be presented to Dorset Council for decision.  There was support for the way that the issues were presented and how they were to be considered.


It was noted that the report and recommendations would be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 12 November.  Support was expressed for the report and recommendations to be presented to the Shadow Executive Committee.