Issue - meetings

Pan Dorset Safeguarding Partnership Arrangements

Meeting: 04/02/2019 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 85)

85 New Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To consider a report with regard to ‘New Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements’ to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee at the meeting on 11 March 2019.

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The committee considered a report with regard to new Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements.  The report noted that significant changes had been made to multi-agency working as part of the Children and Social Work Act 2017.  The Act abolished Local Safeguarding Children Boards and created new duties and a system of collective accountability for Clinical Commissioning Groups, local authorities and police to make arrangements locally to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their area.  Senior Leaders from the relevant authorities had overseen and engaged in an option appraisal to consider potential models and the outcome of this was that a Pan Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership would provide the most effective mechanism for addressing current and emerging safeguarding children challenges.


A report was to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 11 March 2019 to formally approve the proposal and the Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee was invited to consider the proposals and support the recommendations to be presented to the Shadow Executive Committee.


Members considered the issues arising from the report and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                Members noted the list of relevant agencies identified within the document and a question raised as to whether this should include people who had gone through the care system?  It was noted that engagement with service users was in the plan, however this point would be reported back to senior leaders

·                It was noted that children were sometimes looked after in police custody when there was no other safe place for them to be placed.  A point was noted that responsibilities in this area needed to be reviewed.  In response to these points, members noted that work had been completed and a protocol was in place

·                In respect of child death reviews, new legislation and guidance had increased the number of deaths that each panel had to review in a year.  Discussions were currently being held with Somerset to establish cross border working opportunities

·                A discussion was held in respect of the training function in this area and it was noted that it wasn’t anticipated that extra funding would be required for this

·                Reference was made to funding from Dorset Police for the partnership and it was noted that the police had been part of the discussion that had agreed the arrangements.  A request was made for this point to be taken back to senior leaders as there may be a risk to funding moving forward

·                Lead members would be involved in the safeguarding partnership arrangements.  Scrutiny of the arrangements would be undertaken through each bodies’ scrutiny arrangements.  Scrutiny arrangements for the Dorset Council had been considered by the Governance Working Group.  One of the scrutiny committees in the Dorset Council would provide focus in this area in addition to focus through the lead member

·                Ensuring and increasing the involvement and input of children and families was currently being looked at and arrangements in other areas who were early adopters of the new arrangements, were being reviewed

·                A point  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85