Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/02/2019 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 86)


A presentation and discussion with regard to current communications in the Shadow Dorset Council and future communications in the Dorset Council.


The committee received a presentation with regard to current communications in the Shadow Dorset Council and future communications in the Dorset Council.  The presentation covered:


·                Programme communications

·                Communications timeline

·                Different audiences including those directly affected (employees and elected members), those with a close interest in the programme e.g. town and parish councils, stakeholders e.g. business community, media and the wider community

·                Dorset Council preparations including branding and various communication channels and the Dorset Council communication campaign


Members considered the issues arising from the presentation and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                In response to a question, members were informed that it was hoped to use existing pages on sites such as Twitter and Facebook with renaming and branding to be undertaken.  Work was ongoing and there were some current issues that needed to be resolved.  Information on the updated pages would be provided at the appropriate time

·                A point was made that it was felt that there had not been enough communication with town and parish councils.  A comment was also made with regard to the Communications Task and Finish Group which had been suspended

·                In response, the Leader of the Shadow Council, Councillor R Knox, noted that there had been an ongoing Communications and Engagement Workstream which included members from all 6 councils.  A lot of effort had been put in to ensure engagement with various audiences including town and parish councils.  Communications had been undertaken with the Dorset Association of Town and Parish Councils (DAPTC) with the Leader and Chief Executive of the Shadow Council attending meetings, regular contact with the Chief Executive and Chairman of the DAPTC and the production of a regular newsletter.  There was also a responsibility on councillors to ensure effective two way communications with town and parish councils in their area.  The availability of information on social media was also recognised and an example provided of useful information provided in the recent period of snow

·                A comment was made that some parish councils in the east of the area did not feel that they had been engaged with and that this had been raised at a DAPTC meeting

·                A comment was made that councillors had a duty to engage with town and parish councils in their area in addition to the work being undertaken by the DAPTC.  Examples were provided of parish councils and areas where it was felt that information was being disseminated and where people felt well informed

·                A comment was made as to whether there was a feeling that some parish councils felt that they were not sufficiently involved or part of the decision making process in the programme as opposed to not receiving communications?

·                In response to a question, it was confirmed that communications were being undertaken through local media.  In respect of BBC Radio Solent, work was being undertaken in respect of editorial in this area

·                Information provided to councillors from the Shaping Dorset Council Programme Team could be disseminated out by councillors.  The point was noted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86