Issue - meetings

Programme Highlight Report

Meeting: 21/08/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 30)

30 Programme Highlight Report - August 2018 pdf icon PDF 833 KB

To consider a report by the Programme Director, and to receive any further updates from the Lead Members for their areas of responsibility.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Programme Director which provided a summary of the Local Government Reorganisation Programme including workstream activity since the last meeting on 20 July 2018, changes to reporting format for future updates, and an overview of the milestone plan.  A member briefing was also held on 20 August 2018 which update members on progress of the programme.


An overview of the programme was provided by the Interim Head of Paid Service and the Programme Director which highlighted that ongoing governance assurance was being received from the South West Audit Partnership (SWAP) on a monthly basis; the introduction of a new three stage gateway approach to provide increased assurance; the introduction of Theme Boards; new change control arrangements to deal with convergence from 1 April 2019; the introduction of a Wider Programme Board and use of sponsors; resources were still a challenge and additional capacity was being sought from internal staff and external agencies; and work would take place over the coming weeks to develop the principles to guide the creation of new council. 


A summary of the milestone report was provided which included the progress of the top milestones throughout programme. A suggestion was made to make the milestone language clearer and easier to understand for the public. A further change was requested to the Programme Structure diagram to include lines of reporting to illustrate decision making authority and lines to indicate the relationship between programme phases and workstreams.  The changes were noted by officers, and it was indicated that a flow chart would be developed to aid understanding of the structure.


Members discussed the SWAP governance audit report and follow-up report, noting that progress had been made in relation to all areas identified and ‘red’ actions were being addressed as a priority, specifically relating to the relationship between the LGR Programme Team and the Dorset County Council LGR Programme Team, and the challenge posed by needing a single PAYE system and HMRC reference number.  The new gateway review process would also ensure that actions were completed and escalated as a priority at the appropriate point.  In addition, a request was made for audit reports to be made available as early as possible for members for the Committee, as well as updates, as it would often take some time to be reported formally. 


In relation to the Workstream Status Update form, it was suggested that the ‘key achievements for the next week’ should refer to targets instead of achievements.  The change was noted by officers.


As the Lead Member for Governance, Cllr Spencer Flower updated the Committee on the ongoing work of the Governance Task and Finish Group.



1. That the progress made as described in the programme Director’s report be noted.

2. That the Internal Audit report (26 July) and Follow-up report (10 August) be noted.

3. That the reporting formats set out in section 4 of the Programme Director’s report for future reporting be agreed.