Issue - meetings

Boundary Review Submission on draft recommendations of LGBCE

Meeting: 21/08/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 33)

33 Local Government Boundary Commission for England - Dorset Council Review pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To consider a report by the Lead Member for Governance.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on the Boundary Review of the new Dorset Council following extensive work of the Boundary Review Task and Finish Group.  Cllr Spencer Flower, as the Lead Member for Governance and the Chairman of the Task and Finish Group, provided an overview of the proposals in the Boundary Commission consultation, which had incorporated 95% of the submission from the Dorset Area Joint Committee meeting on 15 May 2018.  Members congratulated Cllr Flower and the Task and Finish Group for the meticulous review work undertaken.



1. That the recommendations of the Local Government Boundary Commission for the electoral arrangements for Dorset Council from 2 May 2019, subject to the inclusion of Appendix 3 in the response, be supported.

2. That the minute above be used to provide feedback to be considered by as part of the review.

3. That the arrangements for individual representations to the consultation be noted.


Reason for Decisions

To actively contribute to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England review of electoral arrangements for the new Dorset Council from 2 May 2019.