Issue - meetings

Appointment of Internal Auditors

Meeting: 21/08/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 32)

32 Appointment of Internal Auditors pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To consider a report by the Lead Member for Finance.


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Member for Finance regarding the appointment of the South West Audit Partnership (SWAP) Ltd as the Internal Auditors for Dorset Council from 1 April 2019.


Members discussed the ongoing financial and staff commitment associated with the appointment of internal auditors, noting that economies of scale would be necessary to drive down costs as the number of councils reduced.  It was noted that there were plans to make significant savings from 2019/20 and that the cost can be reduced by September each year for the forthcoming agreed audit activity.  Further to the discussion Cllr Jeff Cant suggested that recommendation 1 be amended to include ‘subject to a review of cost during 2019/2020’.  On being put to the vote the amended recommendation was agreed. 



1. That, subject to a review of cost during 2019/2020, SWAP Ltd be appointed as the internal auditors for Dorset Council from 1 April 2019.

2. That the Interim Section 151 Officer be granted delegated authority to appoint an appropriate representative to be on the SWAP Board of Directors.

3. That the councillor representative for SWAP be appointed following the 2 May 2019 elections.


Reason for Decisions

To ensure compliance with the legal requirement to have an internal audit service and to enable the development of an internal plan for 2019/20.