Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/07/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 19)


To consider a report by the Programme Director.


The Committee considered a report by the Programme Director on the conclusion of the disaggregation of services in Dorset County Council that related to provision in the Christchurch area, which will become the responsibility of the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council from 1 April 2019.


Cllr Cant, as the Lead Member, summarised the work of the Service Disaggregation Task and Finish Group and commended the work of officers to arrive at a fair and representative model.  He also highlighted that a further report would be considered in due course on any outstanding asset and liability issues.




1. That the disaggregation as set out in the appendices to the Programme Director’s report be approved.


2. That the next steps to be delivered by the Shaping Dorset Council programme be agreed.


3. That a further report on the disaggregation of assets and liabilities be submitted in due course.


Reason for Decisions


To allow implementation planning to progress on schedule and for the budget setting work to continue with this critical input.