Issue - meetings

Approval of the Re-commissioning Approach to Domestic Violence and Abuse Services

Meeting: 01/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Domestic Violence and Abuse Services in Dorset pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing.

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(a)       That the Recommissioning approach for Domestic Violence and Abuse Services in Dorset be approved.


(b)       That, if based on evidence from officers on the work carried out, with particular regard to the short term and pilot project, it was felt that there could be a benefit from the input of additional resources, this should be considered by Cabinet.


(b)       That a further report be provided to Cabinet in 12 months-time.


The Portfolio Holder of Housing presented a report that set out the issues around the recommissioning approach for Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) Services. He further advised that service carried out a vital role for some of the most vulnerable in society.  As part of the review of current county-wide DVA provision led by the Councils Community Safety Team a number of findings have been identified.

The review established that better outcomes could be achieved for people within services by introducing a whole system approach. This was a long-term work programme that would require a partnership approach by all the different service funders, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The Leader of the Council invited Cllr M Rennie, the Domestic Violence and Abuse Champion to address members.  Cllr M Rennie expressed concerns regarding funding levels which were the same as the previous contract yet the council was seeking a greater level of innovation and exploration of issues.


The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the People Scrutiny Committee had considered the report at their last meeting and Cllr Rennie, had at that meeting, suggested that additional funding would be required to meet this  approach. However this would need to be evidenced before it could be considered.


In response to those comments and concerns, the Portfolio Holder of Housing welcomed Cllr Rennie’s input, experience and specialist knowledge in this field and hoped that they would be able to work closely together on the subject. The Portfolio Holder also advised that he had agreed to potentially set up an Executive Advisory Panel or other mechanism to feed into and monitor the service going forward, including a 6 monthly members bulletin.


Overall members welcomed progress made and that the service was available to all victims regardless of geographical location, gender or tenure. It also provided both safe accommodation and outreach support into the local community.




(a)       That the Recommissioning approach for Domestic Violence and Abuse Services in Dorset be approved.


(b)       That, if based on evidence from officers on the work carried out, with particular regard to the short term and pilot project, it was felt that there could be a benefit from the input of additional resources, this should be considered by Cabinet.


(b)       That a further report be provided to Cabinet in 12 months-time.