Agenda and minutes

Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 5th July, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: The Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1AS

Contact: Megan Rochester  Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence



Apologies for absence were received from …


An apology for absence was received from …


No apologies for absence were received at the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct.  In making their decision councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.



No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 340 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd May 2023.


The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd May were confirmed and signed.



Public Speaking

Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.  GuidanceforspeakingatPlanningCommittee.doc.pdf (


The deadline for notifying a request to speak is 8.30am on Monday 3rd July.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


Planning Applications

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.


P/OUT/2023/01166- Land to the south of Ringwood Road Alderholt pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Mixed use development of up to 1,700 dwellings including affordable housing and care provision; 10,000sqm of employment space in the form of a business park; village centre with associated retail, commercial, community and health facilities; open space including the provision of suitable alternative natural green space (SANG); biodiversity enhancements; solar array, and new roads, access arrangements and associated infrastructure (Outline Application with all matters reserved apart from access off Hillbury Road).

Additional documents:


The Case Officer gave members an update:


·       3G Sports pitch contribution- material however proportionate contribution would be in the range £101,673- £142,342 (applicant has offered £1million).

·       Tennis contribution- can be considered material only as part of recreation ground extension.

·       Public Art Contribution- not material.

·       Change to recommended reason for refusal 4

·       Updated Hampshire County Council Response

·       Updated Dorset Wildlife Trust Response

·       Updated Fordingbridge Town Council response

·       Ellingham, Harbridge and Ibsley Parish Council response

·       Additional public responses


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Photographs of the site plan, existing nearby settlement boundaries and existing agricultural buildings were included. Members were also shown special protection areas near the site. Details including proposed site access, illustrative masterplans, housing mix, existing nearby facilities, including doctor surgeries and local schools, and proposed employment uses were also provided. The Case Officer also informed members of the proposed phasing plans. In addition to this, concerns from National Highways were raised, members were informed that more data was needed, particularly clarity of bus services, long term viability and costing.


The presentation also included details of the proposed education provision which hadn’t been accepted by Dorset Education. In addition to this, the Landscape strategy and integration of hedgerows were also outlined. The Case Officer also highlighted key concerns regarding site sustainability. Members were informed regarding the impacts on Habitats sites and it was explained that an Appropriate Assessment had not been able to conclude that impacts on these could be adequately mitigated.


An Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment was explained, and members were informed that there were no visual impacts on the AONB. Other impacts arising on the AONB were explained. Photographs from southwestern and the southern end of Ringwood Road and predicted photographs of the site in several years’ time were also shown to members of the committee. Details regarding the drainage strategy and planning obligations were also provided. The officer’s recommendation was to refuse for the reasons set out in the officer’s report.


In accordance with Procedural Rule 8.1 the committee voted to extend the duration of the meeting.



Public Participation

Residents and the Parish Council’s spoke in objection to the application. They felt as though the development was unsustainable and didn’t feel as though it was in the right location, especially for the scale of the development. Concerns were raised regarding the large site bounded to have delays which would have further costing impacts. Mr S Godsell also discussed the reduction in affordable housing and felt the applicants promise of a village centre was only dependant on retailers wanting to invest and buy plots in such a rural location. Another area of discussion from objectors was the impacts on highways. Mr C English informed members that if they chose to approve, there would be additional traffic which would cause chaos. He felt as though the impact on all roads had been underestimated and there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 373.


3/19/2077/RM- Land North of Ringwood Road, Alderholt, SP6 3HZ pdf icon PDF 743 KB

Reserved matters application pursuant to Outline Planning permission (Allowed at Appeal under application 3/16/1446/OUT) for the approval of the "appearance", "landscaping", "layout" (including internal access road, parking and turning areas) and "scale" for the development of Land North of Ringwood Road for 45 homes, landscaping and associated ancillary works.

Additional documents:


The Case Officer gave members an update:

  • The Section 33 legal agreement facilitating Bickton Fish Farm credits to be used in the Dorset Council Area is now complete (dated 3 July ’23)
  • The applicant has included a clause within the Deed of Variation for this application to secure phosphate credits from Bickton Fish Farm as required by the recommendation.
  • A compliance condition for landscape management will be added to the list of conditions:

o   The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted Landscape Ecological Management Plan DD350.R01 REV D dated 31.03.23.

Reason: To protect the landscape character of the area and to mitigate, compensate and enhance/provide net gain for impacts on biodiversity

  • Informative regarding construction hours and bonfires to be added:
    • The Construction Management Plan required by Condition 9 of PA 3/16/1446/OUT shall include the following details:

§  Hours of construction - 08:00 and 18:00 weekdays, 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays and no work on Sundays or Public Holidays

§  No bonfires on site at any time

  • Clarifications in the officer report include:
    • 5.1: The site does not just comprise ‘open land’. It includes Hawthorns (a dwelling) and various horticultural/ agricultural buildings.
    • 15.4.10: reference to the design code is incorrect.
    • 15.5.4, 15.5.8, 15.5.9, 15.5.13: to clarify, separate landscaping conditions are not required, approved landscape plans are listed in condition 1 and the landscape management plan condition has been added.  
    • 15.7.2 – refers to a net increase of 44 dwellings – 45 dwellings are proposed but 1 dwelling replaces the existing dwelling associated with the nursery on site.



With the aid of a visual presentation including illustrative plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Members were informed of the history of the site and a table of proposed residential development was presented. Photographs including designs of the elevations and views of the site were included, in addition to this the Case Officer also discussed the inclusion of affordable housing and informed members of the reasons as to why there had been a reduction, which was approved at committee in February 2023.. House types and mix were also a point of discussion, members were informed that there would be a mixture of 1–4-bedroom dwellings.


The Case Officer outlined the refuse storage and collection as well as the proposed site access and drainage strategy. Members were informed that there would be 116 parking spaces, including 14 visitor spaces and additional cycle stores. Details regarding landscaping, boundaries and protection of existing trees and hedging were discussed. The Officer’s presentation also highlighted the proposed public open space across the site and informed members that the LEAP space was considered acceptable. Details of the nutrient neutrality assessment and SANG were also discussed. The officer’s recommendation was to approve.



Public Participation

Mr C Walker spoke in objection of the application. He raised several concerns regarding phosphate mitigation and compared it to noise, smell, and chemical pollution. He did not feel  ...  view the full minutes text for item 374.


P/FUL/2022/07181- Purbeck Mineral and Mining Museum Norden BH20 5DW pdf icon PDF 485 KB

Removal of substandard storage units and provision of welfare cabin.

Additional documents:


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Photographs of the proposed site, elevation designs and existing structures were also included. Members were informed that the site was within the AONB but there was limited impact due to screening. The Case Officer also discussed surface water flooding and the existing use of the site. No harm was identified; therefore, the officer’s recommendation was to approve.



Public Participation

There was no public participation.


Members questions and comments

·       Members praised the concise officer’s report and presentation.

·       Clarification of the roof line.

·       Members felt that the proposal would be an excellent facility.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to grant the officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Shane Bartlett, and seconded by Cllr Alex Brenton.


Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report.



Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items.



Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)

The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There was no exempt business.


Decision Sheet pdf icon PDF 320 KB