Agenda and minutes

People and Health Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 1st November, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions

Contact: Fiona King  01305 224186 - Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Daryl Turner.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


However, the following personal interests were noted:-

Cllr Ireland is a Governor of Dorset Healthcare. His wife is a matron at Yeovil District Hospital and his daughter a doctor at Dorset County Hospital.

Cllr Penfold is the Council’s representative for Mental Health.

Cllr O’Leary is a School Governor at St Andrews School, Weymouth.


Public Participation

To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and members of the public.

Public speaking has been suspended for virtual committee meetings during the Covid-19 crisis and public participation will be dealt with through written submissions only.

Members of the public who live, work or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area, may submit up to two questions or a statement of up to a maximum of 450 words. All submissions must be sent electronically to  by the deadline set out below. When submitting a question please indicate who the question is for and include your name, address and contact details. Questions and statements received in line with the council’s rules for public participation will be published as a supplement to the agenda.

Questions will be read out by an officer of the council and a response given by the appropriate Portfolio Holder or officer at the meeting. All questions, statements and responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting.

The deadline for submission of the full text of a questions or statements is 8.30am on Wednesday 27 October 2021.

Please refer to the guide to public participation at committee meetings for more information about speaking at meetings.





There were no submissions from town or parish councils or from members of the public.


Questions from Members

To receive any questions from members in accordance with procedure rule 13. The deadline for the receipt of questions is 8.30am on Wednesday 27 October 2021.


There were no written questions received from councillors.


Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report pdf icon PDF 894 KB

To consider the Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board annual report 2020/21.

Additional documents:


Members considered the Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board Annual report for 2020/21 which would also be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board at their meeting on 10 November 2021. Members also received a presentation from the Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board which is attached as an annexure to these minutes.


Areas of discussion/questions

The report was a retrospective look at the work of the Board.

Priorities for 2020/22 highlighted.

Funding, this was just funding for the Board not safeguarding activities, traditionally only statutory partners funded the Safeguarding Board. The budget would be reviewed as the Chairman was not responsible for it in the previous year.

Mental Health and Safeguarding had been held up as an example of best practice by the Local Government Association (LGA).

Pleased to see that the theme of Domestic Abuse ran throughout the whole of the report.

Would like to see a form of training similar to the training that had been introduced in Children’s Services. However, it was not the Board’s responsibility to provide training but to seek assurance training had been delivered responsibly.

Pleased to see support given by all organisations to Domestic Abuse.

Relationship between Community Safety Partnership and Adults Safeguarding Board highlighted in respect of Domestic Abuse.

It was confirmed that the number of incidents reported in the care sector including care homes was as a result of people’s better understanding and reporting.

The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health felt the report demonstrated the direction that the Council was taking and supported the report. He highlighted past sessions that had been held for members on safeguarding and welcomed the Independent Chairman to address members in the New Year.


Adult Care Market Sufficiency and the Impact of Covid-19 pdf icon PDF 828 KB

To consider a report by the Interim Executive Director for People, Adults.


Members considered a report from the Interim Executive Director for People, Adults which highlighted the lack of available care as a direct result of Covid-19 nationally but with additional factors that were affecting Dorset.

There was an introduction from Cllr Peter Wharf as new Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health. Cllr Jane Somper and Cllr Cherry Brooks were introduced as lead members in this area.


Areas of discussion/questions

Significant pressures on NHS and health and care services highlighted, national problem not just a local one.

Aging population and decreasing working age population highlighted.

Statutory duty under the Care Act to provide a range of services but it was proving a struggle to meet those duties.

Covid – one of the primary factors highlighted.

Insufficiency with people with high care needs noted.

Housing options highlighted.

Although a lot of work seemed to be going on it didn’t feel that anything was being done to address certain issues. Currently about 53 people waiting for care packages.

Work being done in the community to prevent hospital admissions highlighted.

Do we maintain a daily metric? Yes, monitored daily, 7 days a week. Dashboards need to be updated in the light of current events which the Portfolio Holder will be looking into.

Impact of the loss of non-vaccinated staff? Central Government funding was available to help support in respect of Covid, in particular nursing home vacancies. Staff can be redeployed into other non-front facing care roles. Homecare did not yet have a requirement for staff to be double vaccinated. Tracking vacancies in care homes around sufficiency.

Discussion about pay scales in neighbouring authorities. Officers were currently looking at all options and a countywide fair cost of care exercise was taking place. Work on future planning was also ongoing.

Cost of care cited as a cost pressure and is listed as such on the risk register.

Were there any arrangements to meet with Dorset MPs to lobby to get a decent financial settlement to meet ever increasing costs. The Portfolio Holder had weekly meeting with MPs and the Leader of the Council had already lobbied Government and asked the Dorset MPs to do the same with Ministers to get a fair deal for Dorset.

Long term aims highlighted

Zonal approach to home care explained.

Trying to pave the way for visas for staff.

Link to information in respect of micro providers.

Funding to support the work actioned as a result of the new centres that are about to open highlighted.

Officers agreed to update members at their January meeting.


Health Recovery Plans pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To review the recovery plans for the NHS and to receive an update on the Minor Injuries Units (MIUs).

Additional documents:


Members received a presentation from officers of the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust which is attached as an annexure to these minutes.


(As the 3 hour threshold for member meetings had been reached, Members agreed to continue for a further hour.)


Areas of discussion/questions

Was the investment on 111 enough? This represented a significant investment for Dorset.

111 issues highlighted in Sherborne and Swanage

Additional capacity on remote GPs answering telephone queries through an agency, could prove expensive.

Trying to be more innovative in terms of GP consultations.

Review in the next 6 months of current arrangements

All options are open at present, MIUs are open with a triage system in place

The need for more clarity for members of the public was highlighted.

Success of Ambulance triage highlighted.


The Chairman thanked the officers for a very informative presentation.


Social Mobility Self-Assessment pdf icon PDF 458 KB

To consider a report from the Chief Executive.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Chief Executive which was prepared following a seminar held on 3 August 2021 on tackling inequalities. The report focussed on what the council was doing to improve social mobility in Dorset and highlighted areas where more work was needed.


Areas of discussion/questions

Stronger Neighbourhood project explained to members.

Community led approach.

Place base working highlighted to help improve outcomes for residents.

When would the strategy be completed and ready for implementation. The strategy would be developed over the next 12 months.

Benchmarking, it was difficult to identify qualitative benchmarks at present but these would emerge over the next 12 months.

Challenge leads in respect of schools highlighted, partnership approach explained, inclusion of early years also.

The inclusion of town and parish councillors could be a useful resource.

The importance of looking at ‘hands on’ skills and not just academic education was highlighted.

The need to improve education locally in order to raise young people’s aspirations was highlighted.

Concern some data may get lost with the change to a Unitary Authority.



That the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Early Help raise the issues contained within this report with members of the Cabinet with a view to the policy going through the overview committees in due course.


Committee and Cabinet Forward Plans pdf icon PDF 281 KB

To consider the Committee’s Forward Plan and the Cabinet’s Forward Plan.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered its Forward Plan and that of the Cabinet.


Urgent Items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4)b) of the Local Government Act 1972.  The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


The public and press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There was no exempt business.