Issue - decisions

**Customer Contact

29/05/2020 - **Customer Contact

Officer Delegated Decision


Date: 20 March 2020



Decision taken to close the ‘open door’ policy for face to face enquiries, closing customer service counters and moving to appointment bookings only.

Customer Access points will move from an open door arrangement to booked appointments.

Face-to-face appointments will still available for statutory services/other services where no other alternative available for the customer.

Customer Service counters will close and move to ‘meet and greet’ function i.e. opening front door to customers on arrival and directing them to the meeting room.

Customer Services will focus on managing customer demand through telephony and digital channels.


The delegation for this decision is detailed within the Scheme of Delegation in the Council’s Constitution


Key Decision:


Reason(s) for Decisions:


To comply with social distancing guidelines and ensure a continued provision of a digital service to residents


Decision Maker (Name and Title):


John Sellgren, Executive Director for Place and Senior Leadership Team



Alternative options considered and rejected:


The alternative option would be to maintain an open door policy. This would not be appropriate as it wouldn't enable the council to comply with social distancing guidelines




Any conflict of interest declared by any member consulted:





Any dispensation granted in respect of any declared conflict of interest:

