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Adkins, Rod Akins
Alford, Councillor Anthony Alford
Andrews, Councillor Jon Andrews
Atwal, Councillor Jindy Atwal
Baker, Councillor Mike Baker
Barron, Councillor Mike Barron
Barrow, Councillor Pete Barrow
Bartlett, Councillor Shane Bartlett
Batstone, Councillor Pauline Batstone
Bawden, Councillor Belinda Bawden
Beddow, Councillor Laura Beddow
Beer, Councillor Derek Beer
Bell, Councillor Matt Bell
Biggs, Councillor Richard Biggs
Bolwell, Councillor Bridget Bolwell
Bolwell, Councillor Dave Bolwell
Bown, Councillor Louise Bown
Brenton, Councillor Alex Brenton
Brooks, Councillor Cherry Brooks
Brown, Councillor Piers Brown
Bryan, Councillor Ray Bryan
Canning, Councillor Andy Canning
Carr-Jones, Councillor Graham Carr-Jones
Chakawhata, Councillor Will Chakawhata
Christopher, Councillor Simon Christopher
Clayton, Councillor Kelvin Clayton
Clifford, Councillor Simon Clifford
Cocking, Councillor Susan Cocking
Cook, Councillor Robin Cook
Cook, Councillor Tim Cook
Coombs, Councillor Toni Coombs
Cooper, Councillor Barrie Cooper
Crabb, Councillor Richard Crabb
Dickenson, Councillor Peter Dickenson
Dover, Councillor Janet Dover
Dunseith, Councillor Jean Dunseith
Dyer, Councillor Mike Dyer
Eysenck, Councillor Neil Eysenck
Ezzard, Councillor Beryl Ezzard
Florek, Councillor Scott Florek
Flower, Councillor Spencer Flower
Fry, Councillor Les Fry
Fuhrmann, Councillor Alex Fuhrmann
Gibson, Councillor Simon Gibson
Goringe, Councillor Barry Goringe
Gray, Councillor David Gray
Harrison, Councillor Paul Harrison
Haynes, Councillor Jill Haynes
Heatley, Councillor Brian Heatley
Hobbs-Chell, Councillor Hannah Hobbs-Chell
Holland, Councillor Sally Holland
Holloway, Councillor Ryan Holloway
Hope, Councillor Ryan Hope
Hughes, Councillor Rob Hughes
Ireland, Councillor Nick Ireland
Jeanes, Councillor Jack Jeanes
Jespersen, Councillor Sherry Jespersen
Jones, Councillor Carole Jones
Jones, Councillor Stella Jones
Kerby, Councillor Andrew Kerby
Kimber, Councillor Paul Kimber
Kippax, Councillor Chris Kippax
Knox, Councillor Rebecca Knox
Lacey-Clarke, Councillor Nocturin Lacey-Clarke
Legg, Councillor Howard Legg
Legg, Councillor Robin Legg
Lugg, Councillor Cathy Lugg
Major, Councillor Rory Major
Monks, Councillor Craig Monks
Morgan, Councillor David Morgan
Murcer, Councillor Steve Murcer
Northam, Councillor David Northam
O'Leary, Councillor Louie O'Leary
Orrell, Councillor Jon Orrell
Parker, Councillor Emma Parker
Parkes, Councillor Mike Parkes
Parry, Councillor Andrew Parry
Penfold, Councillor Mary Penfold
Pipe, Councillor Bill Pipe
Pothecary, Councillor Val Pothecary
Quayle, Councillor Byron Quayle
Rennie, Councillor Molly Rennie
Ridout, Councillor Belinda Ridout
Roberts, Councillor Mark Roberts
Robinson, Councillor Julie Robinson
Robinson, Councillor Steve Robinson
Roe, Councillor Maria Roe
Roper, Councillor Pete Roper
Shortell, Councillor David Shortell
Skeats, Councillor Andy Skeats
Somper, Councillor Jane Somper
Sowry-House, Councillor Duncan Sowry-House
Starr, Councillor Andrew Starr
Suttle, Councillor Gary Suttle
Sutton, Councillor Clare Sutton
Tarr, Councillor Roland Tarr
Taylor, Councillor David Taylor
Taylor, Councillor Gill Taylor
Todd, Councillor Andy Todd
Tooke, Councillor David Tooke
Trite, Councillor Bill Trite
Vitali, Councillor James Vitali
Walsh, Councillor David Walsh
Webb, Councillor Claudia Webb
Wharf, Councillor Peter Wharf
Wheller, Councillor Kate Wheller
Williams, Councillor Sarah Williams
Wilson, Councillor Ben Wilson
Woode, Councillor Carl Woode
Worth, Councillor John Worth
Registered training
15/01/2025 - Devolution update
13/01/2025 - Local Transport Plan 4
06/01/2025 - Budget Update
13/12/2024 - Budget Day 2
12/12/2024 - An introduction to effective scrutiny
09/12/2024 - Marine Safety Code
06/12/2024 - Waste Services
29/11/2024 - Devolution Update
13/11/2024 - Our new People and Culture Strategy
08/11/2024 - Visit to Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbours
25/10/2024 - Development of the new Council Plan
18/10/2024 - Budget Day 1
16/10/2024 - Economic Growth Strategy
15/10/2024 - Finance without numbers – An introduction to local government finance
09/10/2024 - New councillor session - Dorset Council's Statutory Officers
02/10/2024 - Webinar on Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) support services
20/09/2024 - Grid capacity webinar
09/09/2024 - Residents Survey and Initial Findings from Big Conversation Events
04/09/2024 - Briefing on proposed reforms to the planning system
21/08/2024 - Local Enforcement Plan for the planning service
24/07/2024 - Nature webinar
22/07/2024 - Housing seminar
15/07/2024 - Treasury briefing
10/07/2024 - Introduction to climate change
09/07/2024 - Adults, Housing and Health Directorate Day
08/07/2024 - ICT Session - Microsoft Word
01/07/2024 - ICT Session - Getting the most from digital working
26/06/2024 - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and inclusion
25/06/2024 - Introduction to the Police Crime Commissioner
25/06/2024 - Adult Social Care briefing
14/06/2024 - ICT Session - OneNote
12/06/2024 - Ward work session
11/06/2024 - Introduction to Harbours and the Marine Safety Code
10/06/2024 - Introduction to Children's Services
05/06/2024 - Introduction to Local Government Finance
04/06/2024 - Introduction to the Overview and Scrutiny Function
03/06/2024 - Planning training
28/05/2024 - ICT Session - Microsoft Teams Part 2
24/05/2024 - ICT Session - OneDrive
23/05/2024 - Integrated Care System briefing
21/05/2024 - Local Government Association - Time Management for Councillors
15/05/2024 - Session for new councillors
14/05/2024 - Communications and Media Training
13/05/2024 - Corporate Parenting and Safeguarding
09/05/2024 - Getting started
07/05/2024 - Welcome Session