Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Cabinet
Wednesday, 17th January, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1

Contact: Lee Gallagher  Email: - 01305 224191

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence.



Code of Conduct

Councillors are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 regarding disclosable pecuniary interests.


§                     Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the member or other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary interest.

§                     Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entered in the Register (if not this must be done on the form available from the clerk within 28 days).

§                     Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the County Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of a dispensation to speak and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item.


The Register of Interests is available on and the list of disclosable pecuniary interests is set out on the reverse of the form.



There were no declarations by members of disclosable pecuniary interests under the Code of Conduct. However, the following interest was declared:


Cllr Deborah Croney declared a general interest in minute 8a as a resident of Iwerne Minster living in the vicinity of both the C13 and the A350.  She stated that she had taken advice and that she had no disclosable pecuniary interest.  Cllr Croney remained in the meeting and took part in the debate.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 277 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2017.


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2017 were confirmed and signed.


The Cabinet Member for Natural and Built Environment advised members that there would be a Transport Enquiry Day on 26 February 2017.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


Public Speaking

One public question was received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(1) which related to the No.5 Bus Service serving the Linden Lea electoral division.  The question and answer are attached as an annexure to these minutes.


There were no public statements received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(2).



There were no petitions received at the meeting in accordance with the County Council’s Petition Scheme.



Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 353 KB

To receive the Cabinet Forward Plan.


The Cabinet considered the draft Forward Plan, which identified key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet on or after the next meeting.  The following additions were noted:


  • Local Authority school relations – March 2018
  • Special School Provision – February/March 2018 (minute 12)




Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority Annual Report and a presentation from the Chairman of the Authority and Chief Fire Officer.


The Cabinet considered the first Annual Report for the newly created Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Authority.


The Chairman of the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service  Authority presented their Annual Report and advised members that this had been a critical year for the combination and that they had achieved the majority of the savings required and the tasks that had to be completed in their first year.  He highlighted the key points in the report for members and noted that whilst there was a heavy reliance on retained firefighters issues and challenges were still present.  Following governance work and support from authorities it was noted that from June 2018 there would be 18 members on the Fire Authority instead of the rather unwieldly 30.  The Chairman referred to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) wishing to become involved with the Authority but at present the main thrust was to be ready for the Annual General Meeting, but consideration of the involvement of the PCC could be given at a later date.


The Chief Fire Officer offered members of the Cabinet reassurance following the Grenfell Tower tragedy noting that there were some similar size buildings mainly in Bournemouth, Poole and Swindon but some within the County Council area.  Officers had now visited all the buildings to ensure they were safe and had also reassured residents. 


He advised members that no fire related lives had been lost in the Dorset area in year 1, although subsequent issues had arisen and were highlighted.   Although £4m had been saved from a £54m budget the Chief Fire Officer highlighted that there were still further challenges and savings to be faced.


Members were most appreciative to the Chairman and Chief Fire Officer for sharing their Annual Report and insights to their Authority with them.


In respect of the Grenfell work, Cllr Rebecca Knox, as the Leader of the Council, thanked the Chief Fire Officer and his officers for being so communicative with leaders and officers in Dorset. She assured him that they were lobbying Government for the Fire Service grant to be reviewed in light of the extra work this tragedy had caused.  It was added that if it was felt at any time there were any barriers that needed drawing to her attention to please let her know.




Admission Arrangements 2019-2020 and Transport Policy 2018-2019 pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To consider a report by the Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills.  The People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the report on 10 January 2018 and a recommendation will be circulated for the Cabinet’s consideration.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills on the consultation arrangements and annual consideration of the Council’s admission arrangements for 2019-2020 and Transport Policy for 2018-2019. The report had also been considered by the People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their meeting on 10 January 2018.


Cllr Deborah Croney highlighted changes to the eligibility policy focussing on incremental rises which was comparable with other authorities. She made reference to the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting and agreed that some elements warranted further investigation.  There was now an opportunity to do this to help inform their decision.


There was concern raised by members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee about the Post 16 Transport element as the financial case had not been presented with the papers and she would like to take the opportunity for this to be looked at again to see if the proposed change was affordable. Following further reflection and the feedback from the Overview Scrutiny Committee she proposed that recommendations ‘b’ and ‘d’ in the Interim Director’s report be deferred (shown as resolutions 4 and 5 below).  The Cabinet Member for Natural and Built Environment supported this proposal and stressed the need for all to fully understand the transport costs across the organisation.



That the following arrangements, policies and changes to admission numbers be adopted:

1.  Dorset County Council Admissions Arrangements including the Co-Ordinated Scheme, the Admissions Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools in Dorset 2019- 2020, the Admission of Armed Forces Community Children Policy and the Guidance on the Placement of a Pupil Outside His or Her Normal Age Group, the 6th Form Admissions Policy and the Nursery Admissions Policy.

2. That the identification of a transport catchment area for the Swanage School be approved.

3. That the Pupil Admission Number for Charmouth Primary School be reduced from 25 to 15.

4. That the Home to School Transport Assistance Eligibility Policy for Children and Young People attending School 2018-2019 and the Dorset Post 16 Transport Support Policy for 2018-2019 which includes a rise in the surplus seat price from £640 to £770. Cabinet were advised that a cost of £795 would be used for consultation in April 2018 for September 2019 surplus seat/cost recovery charge. This recommendation be deferred pending further information.

5. That approval of either the 3 or 5 mile criteria for the reduction of 50% for contribution towards post 16 transport be also deferred pending further information.


Reasons for Decisions

1.  To determine admissions arrangements in accordance with statutory requirements including the Schools Admissions Code December 2014.

2.  To ensure compliance with the latest legislation and subsequent regulation/statutory guidance.


Recommendations from Committees

To consider the following recommendation:


The Cabinet considered the following recommendation:


Proposed Introduction of a 20mph Zone in Iwerne Minster pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider a recommendation from the Regulatory Committee meeting held on 4 January 2018.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a recommendation by the Regulatory Committee on 4 January 2018, as four objections had been received when the proposal had been formally advertised.


Cllr Deborah Croney, as the local member for Hambledon, highlighted the work that could be achieved with Parish Councils working with the County Council and was pleased to report that they fully supported the recommendation.  She also supported the recommendation and stated that she had been campaigning for a speed reduction since before she became a County Councillor.


Cllr Croney also wished to place on record her thanks to Peter Finney, a former County Councillor, for all his work at the start of this project.  



That having considered the objections received, the proposed introduction of a 20mph Zone in Iwerne Minster be approved.


Reasons for Decision

1. The proposals would regulate or reduce the speed of vehicles to a level which drivers could readily meet the general hazards which might be expected on these roads.

2. Also, to fulfil the Council’s obligation to review speed limits in light of changes in DFT (Department for Transport) guidance ‘Setting local speed limits’.  The Dorset 20mph Speed Limit Policy was approved by the Environment Overview Committee in January 2014.  This allowed Parish Councils to fund 20mph speed limits and 20mph zones subject to meeting the criteria laid out in the County Council’s speed policy.


Panels and Boards

To receive the minutes of the following meetings:


The Cabinet received the following minutes:


Tricuro Executive Shareholder Group - 27 November 2017 pdf icon PDF 37 KB


The minutes from the Tricuro Executive Shareholder Group meeting held on 27 November 2017 were noted.


Cllr Jill Haynes advised members that since these notes had been published they had received notice of an increase in salaries from 1% to 2%.  There would be a Shareholder meeting towards the end of February 2018 when this would be discussed further.




Executive Advisory Panel for Pathways to Independence/Social Care - 4 December 2017 pdf icon PDF 164 KB


The minutes from the Executive Advisory Panel for Pathways to Independence/Social Care meeting held on 4 December 2017 were noted.


Cllr Jill Haynes highlighted the Civica work and advised that they had been commissioned to do more and to continue to review the means-tested contributions to the cost of their care.  Work was ongoing to look at transport charges that were made and how they would be made in the future.


In respect of Extra Care Housing, she highlighted that this way of looking after people in the communities with investors and housing associations was really important.


Reference was made to the changes to mobility allowances and the need to understand the full impact of these before moving forward.




Questions from County Councillors pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To answer any questions received in writing by the Chief Executive by not later than 10.00am on 12 January 2018.

Additional documents:


A question was received from Cllr Clare Sutton to the Cabinet Member for Natural and Built Environment in relation to the Council’s Waste Plan and Non-Hazardous Residual Waste Treatment.


A question was also received from Cllr Nick Ireland to the Cabinet Member for Natural and Built Environment in relation to the No.5 Bus Service serving the Linden Lea electoral division, as local member. 


The questions and answers to both are attached to these minutes as an annexure.


Cllr Nick Ireland asked 2 further supplementary questions:-


‘Speaking for the many residents of Linden Lea that would be been severely impacted by the withdrawal of the First No.5 Service, I congratulate Damory for stepping up and providing a replacement public bus service and appreciate the efforts of Cllr Daryl Turner and the Head of Economy and his team in achieving this. I note however that the contract awarded to Damory was solely for the provision of transport for entitled students to and from Thomas Hardye School and made no provision to ensure the service was open to the public.


Can the Portfolio Holder explain that whilst the Equality Impact Assessment for the Public and School Transport Review mentions (twelve times no less!) both the need and intention to open publicly funded school bus services to all as mitigation for the loss of rural services, the seven year contracts awarded under the One School, One Operator model failed to require that this was done and hence we now have the situation where none of the existing Damory operated school services in Linden Lea division are ‘open’ and residents of villages such as Dewlish and Owermoigne for example, who have no publicly available service of any description, have to watch buses paid for by their council tax pick-up and drop-off daily without providing them a means of accessing the services and facilities of Dorchester?


Given that the proposed public service is described by Damory as ‘experimental’ and hence presumable subject to review, with Cllr Turner provide both an assurance and commitment that any new contract awarded from September onwards will ensure that the school time service for entitled children will be also a registered and open route for the general public?’


Cllr Daryl Turner responded that the majority of the questions had been answered in the original question and answers which were contained in the annexure to these minutes.  He also added that the County Council was obliged to provide an entitled service for children, and could not decide commercial services by operators but could try to influence positive outcomes where. The message to residents had to be ‘use it or lose it’.


All the officers who had been involved in the recent work of the No.5 bus service were thanked for their efforts.


Exempt Business

To consider passing the following resolution:


To agree that in accordance with Section 100 A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting in relation to the business specified below it is likely that if members of the public were present, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs detailed below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.



That in accordance with Section 100 A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting in relation to the business specified in minute 14 as it was likely that if members of the public were present, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.


The Relocation of Dorchester Learning Centre in to Monkton Park Premises

To consider an exempt report by the Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Skills and Learning.  NOT FOR PUBLICATION


The Cabinet considered a joint exempt report from the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Education, Learning and Skills and from the Cabinet Member for Community and Resources which included a business case for the re-location of the Dorchester Learning Centre into the Monkton Park premises.


Officers were thanked for their hard work in putting the evidence forward for members to consider and highlighted the substantial risk if nothing was done. The proposal was highlighted and it was noted that it was a logistical and complex issue.   There was a need to get detailed costings for the move which was currently being investigated.


In thinking about the potential movement of staff and site disposal an additional recommendation was proposed by Cllr Deborah Croney that a small Project Steering Group be established, led by the Manager of the Design and Development Team in Children’s Services with political oversight by herself and Cllr Tony Ferrari and with input from the Estates team.


Cllr Tony Ferrari, as part of his resources role, highlighted that although this was unbudgeted expenditure it would be implicit to address the usage of the rest of the site to remedy the budget hole that this project created.  It would be important to communicate to the new school the plans for the site and to highlight that they would not have access to all of it.


Following a question about special schools, it was advised that there would be a further report to the Cabinet on this in February/March 2018.


Cllr David Harris as the Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee advised the Cabinet the next Committee meeting on 19 January 2018 would be looking at asset management to ensure that things were working together.


Cllr Nick Ireland as the local member for Linden Lea, added that he felt his Parish Council would be supportive of the proposed recommendation and would accept sensitive redevelopment of the area.



1. That the recommendation in Section 9 of the business case for Monkton Park, included in the exempt report, and the potential relocation of Dorchester Learning Centre along with authorisation for officers to pursue Option 3 (relocate to Learning Centre within Monkton Park) in order to achieve the earliest improvement in provision of facilities for learners who attend the Centre be approved.

2. That a small Project Steering Group be established, led by the Manager of the Design and Development Team in Children’s Services with political oversight by the Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills and the Cabinet Member for Community and Resources and with input from the Estates team be approved.


Reasons for Decisions

1. There was an urgent requirement to improve the suitability, quality and safety of the facilities at the Dorchester Learning Centre.

2. Previous attempts to find an alternative site for the Learning Centre were unsuccessful in finding any site which was suitable or affordable.  Therefore a relocation within the Monkton Park site was the most suitable and cost effective option for improving provision for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.