Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Dorset Police and Crime Panel
Friday, 10th November, 2017 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1

Contact: Fiona King, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Email: - 01305 224186

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Bobbie Dove, Bournemouth Borough Council, David Brown, Borough of Poole, Andrew Kerby, North Dorset District Council, and Bill Pipe, Purbeck District Council.  Substitute, Don McQueen attended for Bournemouth Borough Council.


Code of Conduct

Panel members are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 regarding disclosable pecuniary interests.


§     Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the member or other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary interest.

§     Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entered in the Register (if not this must be done on the form available from the clerk within 28 days).

§     Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the County Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of a dispensation to speak and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item.


The Register of Interests is available on and the list of disclosable pecuniary interests is set out on the reverse of the form.



There were no declarations by members of disclosable pecuniary interests under the Code of Conduct.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 340 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2017.


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2017 were confirmed and signed.


Matters Arising

Minute 81 – Police and Crime Plan Monitoring Report - Complaints handling update - The Director of Operations, OPCC advised members that some concerns had been raised that the implementation of the legislation was anticipated to be put back to 2019 which may have implications for the pilot.  At the meeting on 1 February 2018 he hoped to be in a position to provide members with a briefing update.


Minute 82 – Grants and Commissioning – The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) undertook to share with members further information on monitoring and evaluation of major grants projects.


Minute 83 - Strategic Alliance – More briefings had been held on the proposed convergence and the PCC highlighted to members the history of the merge proposal. It was noted that already 20% of staff worked for the Alliance.  A Routemap had now been discussed with the Policing Minister which included 1 Chief Constable and 1 Police and Crime Commissioner for the Dorset, Devon and Cornwall Alliance.  A public consultation would be held during next Summer which the Dorset PCC would be leading.   Should the work being undertaken across both forces result in a recommendation to pursue a merge, and this option be supported by both the public and the Government, in order for the merge to be completed by November 2019 the Government would need to be in receipt of the relevant paperwork by November 2018.


Following a question from the Chairman regarding consideration being given to harmonisation across the precepts, the PCC advised that an officer from the Devon and Cornwall Force had been tasked with this and it was being worked up in the business case.  The Group Manager for Governance and Assurance, Dorset County Council advised that approaches had been made to colleagues on the Devon and Cornwall PCP seeking a meeting to discuss future arrangements and a response was awaited.


Public Participation

(a)               Public Speaking


(b)               Petitions


Public Speaking

There were no public questions received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(1).


There were no public statements received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(2).



There were no petitions received at the meeting in accordance with the County Council’s Petition Scheme.



Financial Report for the Police and Crime Panel - Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 554 KB

To consider a report by the Treasurer for the OPCC.


The Panel considered a report by the Chief Finance Officer, OPCC which provided an update on the financial position at the end of September 2017 and the full year forecast compared with the revised budget.


The Chief Finance Officer advised that following the last meeting, income was now being shown separately in the report and as the report was developed, relevant benchmarking would be included in future reports.


Members asked the following questions, which the Chief Finance Officer responded to:-


1.     The Quarter 2 finance report highlights that the forecast overspend, after the application of reserves, is now predicted to be £1m from the £885,000 reported at the end of the first quarter. Can the Commissioner provide the panel with reassurance around the mitigation strategy outlined to the panel at its September meeting?


The Force mitigation measures as previously described are continuing and consideration will be given in the review of the medium term financial strategy as to the ongoing measures that will be required.


2.     Can the Commissioner verbally explain a little bit more about the role of the Independent Audit Committee and its work in delivering greater Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness?


The single audit committee (6 people) provides independent assurance to all 4 corporations sole (Dorset OPCC, Dorset Force, Devon and Cornwall OPCC and Devon and Cornwall Force).  This is more economic that supporting three separate committees that were previously in place (one in each Force and one specifically for the Alliance.


Being independent of all the entities they can provide advice to each Force either jointly or independently.  This model has worked effectively for some time in Warwick and West Mercia Police Forces who are also in an Alliance.  The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are drawn from CIPFA, and HM Treasury guidance.  In fulfilling their function they support the work of the corporations sole in delivering economy, efficiency and effectiveness.


These committee positions were advertised and 18 applications were received, there was a shortlisting process and interview were held over 2 days.  On completion of this process 6 positions were offered which had resulted in a balanced new committee.  The funding for this was being shared between the 4 corporations.


Following a subsequent question about how the Independent Audit Committee would drive effective efficiency and economy, the Chief Finance Officer advised this Panel would provide a wide focus and there was a clear role within its terms of reference regarding value for money. The Director of Operations, OPCC undertook to circulate the terms of reference to members.


Members asked for an update from the Chief Finance Officer on the re-introduction of the Major Operations Reserve of £1.2m and the additional £1.8m in the Capital Cash Flow/Capital Reserves funding line.  The Assistant Chief Officer advised that there had been an error in the precept report in respect of the Major Operations Reserve, which had been a genuine mistake between the Force and the then Treasurer.  The general balances figures had now been changed and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 92.


Police and Crime Plan Monitoring Report 2017/18 - Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 360 KB

To consider a report by the Police and Crime Commissioner. 


·        Members of the Panel are asked to review the performance of the Police and Crime Commissioner against objectives in the Police and Crime Plan.


·        To receive updates from those members appointed as the Leads/Champions for each pf the four ‘Pillar Themes’ in the PCCs Plan.


·        To raise any specific aspects for financial scrutiny and following-up on issues raised at the last meeting.


The quarterly monitoring report will also provide further information and specific focus on key topics that have been requested by the Panel as follows:-


Multi-Agency Working -  To consider the arrangements in place for the OPCC to ensure action and effect to ensure effective multi-agency working arrangements are in place to support delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.


Neighbourhood/Community Policing – To receive an overview of the arrangements to seek assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of stakeholder engagement processes (e.g. communities, schools) and the delivery of outcomes in the Police and Crime Plan.


Levels of Knife Crime – To receive an update on the increase in knife crime.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report which informed members of the progress against the Police and Crime Plan and Priorities 2017-21 in order to enable members to scrutinise activity and the achievement of outcomes.  The quarterly monitoring report also provided further information and specific focus on protecting people at risk of harm; multi-agency working; Neighbourhood/Community Policing; and the levels of knife crime, which members had asked for further information on.


Following a question from a member from Bournemouth Borough Council about road safety and what actions and activities would contribute to less lives being lost on the roads, a new website or speed cameras?  The PCC advised that his forward plan was to digitise speed cameras and had no plans to get rid of them.  In respect of cost and maintenance, only a third of cameras were run as their partners said they could not afford to service more.  Some cameras were in need of maintenance which was carried out by the Local Authority.  In respect of fines, the PCC noted that he would be happy to lobby to keep fines in the County and as traffic units were being merged agreement would need to be reached on a consistent approach to speeds and fees.  The money charged for the driver awareness schemes mostly stayed in Dorset and income of around £2m had been ringfenced by the PCC to be spent on road safety.


The PCC undertook to provide a brief update report on the digitisation of speed cameras, and wider funding arrangements for multi-agency road safety arrangements at the Panel’s next meeting on 1 February 2018.


Following a discussion about the PCC’s next problem solving forum it was felt the focus should be on fly tipping as this affected everyone in the County.


 Members of the PCP who were Leads/Champions for each of the ‘Pillar Themes’ in the PCC’s plan were invited to present their updates.


i)                 Pillar 4 - Transforming for the Future – Iain McVie

·        A brief update on drone evaluation and bodyworn cameras be added to the Forward Plan.

·        Despite a significant top slice of police funding concern being expressed, the Police ICT company had not delivered many items for Dorset – although 2 projects would be delivered, web storage for bodyworn cameras and video being offered.   The PCC undertook to write to the national lead PCC on this in order to provide a timely challenge using the figures referred to by the Independent Member.

·        Complaints – the PCC advised that with new legislation going through Parliament, the 2 bodies going forward would have to change. Changes would be coming in respect of measuring which would help address a more customer focus approach. He noted that a large percentage of complaints were bogged down in the mechanics and work was ongoing to change public perception. An update on this topic to be included in the Panel’s Forward Plan.

·        Communication and engagement in respect of the merger and how comfortable was the PCC with this in covering such  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 274 KB

To consider the Work Programme for the Panel.


The Panel considered and agreed its Work Programme for the remainder of 2017 and on into 2018.


Following discussion the following items would also be scheduled into the work programme:-


  • Road Safety Activity and Speed Cameras
  • Body Worn Cameras and Drone evaluation
  • National ICT projects
  • Domestic Abuse benchmarking in relation to knife crime.


Panel members were also updated on the content of their forthcoming training  session on 8 December 2017.  The Chairman encouraged all to attend in order to maximise the contribution and benefits that could be achieved from the session to support the Panels continuous improvement agenda.



That the work programme be updated accordingly.



Questions from Panel Members

To answer any questions received in writing by the Chief Executive by not later than 10.00am on Tuesday 7 November 2017.


No questions were asked by members of the Panel.