Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Economic Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 15th June, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1. View directions

Contact: David Northover, Senior Democratic Services Officer  01305 224175 - Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Introductions


The Chairman took the opportunity to open proceedings at the inaugural meeting of the Committee and provided some context around what its purpose was, how it was to operate and how its objectives might be achieved.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Mike Lovell and John Wilson and from Colin Jamieson, the Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth.


Code of Conduct

Councillors are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 regarding disclosable pecuniary interests.


·                Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the Councillor or other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary interest.

·                Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entered in the Register (if not this must be done on the form available from the clerk within 28 days).

·                Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the County Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of a dispensation to speak and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item.


The Register of Interests is available on and the list of disclosable pecuniary interests is set out on the reverse of the form.


There were no declarations by members of disclosable pecuniary interest under the Code of Conduct.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 82 KB

(a)  Public Speaking


To consider any requests for public speaking.


(b)  Petitions


            To consider the submission of two petitions, namely:-


(i)            Procedure for Petitions - Petition entitled "Superfast Broadband for Ridge"


To consider a report by the Head of Economy (attached).


(ii)           Procedure for Petitions – "Petition for Superfast Broadband for Pulham and surrounding areas".


To consider a report by the Head of Economy (attached).

Additional documents:


Public Speaking

There were no public questions received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(1).


There were no public questions received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(2).



There were two petitions submitted to the meeting in accordance with the County Council’s Petition Scheme.


Procedure for Petitions - Petition entitled "Superfast broadband for Ridge"

The Committee considered a report by the Head of Economy on the receipt of a petition containing 222 signatures asking for the provision of superfast broadband for the village of Ridge near Arne, Wareham. The report set out a series of options available to the Committee on how they might wish to respond to the petition.


Officer’s took the opportunity to confirm that the Superfast Dorset Programme aimed to deliver the most appropriate Superfast Broadband solution for communities, maximising benefits in a cost effective manner across the business and domestic community. Furthermore it was confirmed thatthe County Council was committed to pursuing all technical and funding solutions possible and every effort was being made to maximise what might be achieved. Officers reaffirmed what investment the County Council, in partnership with BT, were making in fulfilling their commitment to rolling out broadband. They took the opportunity to explain in detail the practicalities of delivering the project, technicalities that were being faced by BT in achieving this, the processes involved in how the Programme was to be implemented and arrangements for delivering the service. The basis on which the Programme was modelled was explained and what criteria it took into consideration. Officers fully understood the socio-economic benefits that connectivity brought and would do all that they could to enable this to be achieved. There was an acknowledgement that there was a need for influence to be brought to bear on BT to ensure that they were doing all that they could to achieve the maximum coverage possible.


The Committee then heard from the petitioner, Councillor Ray Scragg, who considered that the petition demonstrated the importance of superfast broadband to the settlement and that the success of businesses within the community depended on it. He expressed concern that little information had been made available on what the implementation plan for Ridge was or when connectivity might be achieved.

The provision of broadband was critical in being able to maintain the vibrant community which currently existed and would go some way to fostering increased economic growth. He was concerned that without the necessary connectivity, such vitality could not be sustained and the petition amply demonstrated the overwhelming business and educational needs of the village. He considered that connectivity was vital in maintaining an active and thriving community and its continued absence would be detrimental to this.


Officers understood the petitioner’s frustration by the lack of information available and agreed that every effort would be made to provide the necessary information as soon as practicable.


The Committee then took the opportunity to discuss the merits of the petition and agreed that, in principle, every  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Terms of Reference

To note the Committee’s Terms of Reference, as follows:-


Overview and Scrutiny Committees


·         Purpose: Delivering good outcomes for the residents and communities we serve through a constructive, proactive and objective approach to the consideration, scrutiny and review of policies, strategies, financial and performance issues.


·         Overview Function


-   To review and develop policy at the Committee's own initiative or at the request of the Cabinet or the Public Health Joint Board and make recommendations to the Cabinet, Joint Committee or the Full Council.

-   To oversee major consultations and make recommendations to the Cabinet, Joint Committee or the Full Council.

-   To give advice on any matters as requested by the Cabinet or the Joint Committee.


·         Scrutiny Function


-   To hold the Executive to account through a process that seeks and considers necessary explanations, information and evidence to ensure good outcomes for our residents and communities.

-   Through proactive scrutiny inquiry work, to contribute to improving the lives of our residents and communities, through an active contribution to the Council’s improvement agenda.

-   To scrutinise key areas of strategic and operational activity and, where necessary, make recommendations to the Full Council, Cabinet or Joint Committee in respect of;


·         Matters which affect the Council's area or its residents.

·         Performance of services in accordance with the targets in the Corporate Plan or other approved service plans.

·         To provide a clear focus on finding efficiency savings in accordance with requirements in the Council’s financial strategy.

·         To monitor expenditure against available budgets and, where necessary, make recommendations to the Cabinet or the Joint Committee.

·         To consider proposed budget plans, service plans and any other major planning or strategic statements and to make recommendations to the Cabinet or the Joint Committee.


Specific responsibilities for the Economic Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee are:-


·         To exercise a proactive and effective overview and scrutiny of functions to ensure the effective delivery of those specific outcomes as contained in the Corporate Plan.

·         Outcome - To ensure that Dorset’s Economy is Prosperous

·          A thriving local economy provides us all with more opportunities as…..

-   New businesses thrive and existing businesses become more productive;

-   More people secure the employment opportunities of their choice;

-   Dorset’s residents are well educated, with the skills that Dorset’s employers need;

-   Good quality, affordable homes are available for Dorset’s people;

-   People and goods are able to move about the County safely and efficiently.


The Committee has the power to co-opt additional (non-voting) persons to provide routine and / or ad-hoc support to provide access to specific skills and knowledge.


The Committee noted its Terms of Reference and how these should be applied in order that the Committee achieved all that it was designed to do. With the aid of a visual presentation members were provided with an understanding of what overview and scrutiny entailed, the way in which this could be undertaken, what matters could be scrutinised and the way in which this might be done.


The Committee’s purpose was seen to be to improve outcomes to people’s lives; hold the Executive to account; have the ability to challenge topics which had a clear link with the Corporate Plan outcomes; and meet the Corporate Plan aim of enabling economic growth in being prosperous. How the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board played its part in the process was explained, together with how scoping reviews could lead to effective and constructive scrutiny - in doing less, but more fully. In doing this there was a need to develop a constructive relationship with the Executive and for the Committee to get actively involved in the process.


Officers provided members with an understanding of how topics for scrutiny could be selected and the reasoning for this, in having an understanding of how outcomes could be improved for residents and the means by which this might be achieved. The relationship the Committee would have with partners in achieving this was critical. To do so effectively, there would be a need for members to receive a proportionate level of information and have the ability to focus on specific lines of enquiry in order to achieve their objective.


The Committee were advised on the suggested methodology to be used to prioritise topics and what criteria this needed to be assessed against.


The Committee were enthusiastic about the part they were being asked to play and whilst they recognised their current limitations in directly influencing commercial business enterprise, they were still able to facilitate and enable the means for economic growth for Dorset’s businesses. As an organisation, there was a need to understand the importance of this; in doing all it could to ensure that Dorset was prosperous and in being economically competitive as an organisation in its own right.





Corporate Plan pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To note the Corporate Plan and its Corporate Aims (attached).


The Committee noted the aims of the Corporate Plan and how the outcomes of the Committee were designed to meet those aims.


The Director for Environment and the Economy explained that as the nature of Committees  was changing, there was a need for all that they did to be relevant to the aims of the Plan. With the natural environment of Dorset being valued at an estimated £1.5 - 4 billion be annum, there was a need for this to play a significant role in how economic growth could be developed.  The way in which the County Council ran itself, in being one of the county’s largest employers with a significant spend, meant that it was therefore a significant contributor in its own right to the economy. Members recognised that their role was not to manage the economy of Dorset, but to play their part in facilitating where and how they could have positive influence. How revenue streams for the Council might be generated as part of this process could also be an area of focus for the Committee.





The Committee, in Context - Dorset's Economy is Prosperous

The Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth to address the Committee on the vision for delivering economic growth throughout Dorset for it to be prosperous and the strategy for doing this, with the purpose and aims of the Committee being set in context by the Lead Officer, as Director for Environment and the Economy and the Head of Economy, together with an initial induction from supporting officers on the principles of the Committee, including :-


·         what scrutiny entails and how this function should be applied;

·         understanding the purpose of the Committee and making sense of the part it plays in meeting the aims of the Corporate Plan;

·         the means by which this might be achieved;

·         an explanation of the State of Dorset Economy, the role of the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership and the relationship these will have with the Committee.


An opportunity will also be provided to meet principal officers and those relevant Heads of Service who will regularly service the Committee. 


With the aid of a visual presentation, the purpose and aims of the Committee were set in context by lead officers, namely the Group Manager – Governance and Assurance, the Director for Environment and the Economy and the Head of Economy. The way in which the Committee was designed to operate, what economic growth entailed and the issues for focus were drawn to the attention of the Committee. Officers explained:-


·         what scrutiny entailed and how this function should be applied;

·         provided an understanding  of the purpose of the Committee and making sense of the part it played in meeting the aims of the Corporate Plan;

·         the means by which this might be achieved;

·         an explanation of the State of Dorset Economy, the role of the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership and the relationship these had with the Committee.


Opportunities and challenges facing Dorset were outlined and the part productivity; an ageing workforce; benefits claimants; skills and education; housing; infrastructure and the role that the environment played in all this was explained. The principle of an Economic Growth Strategy and the benefit this would bring was explained and members recognised that ownership of this should be embraced by them to ensure that the Committee was successful.


The part that the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership played in influencing economic growth was drawn to the Committee’s attention and the success in achieving the Dorset (Green) Enterprise Zone at Winfrith Newburgh was noted, as well as the importance of the Western Dorset Growth Corridor and what benefits this brought. The importance of digital infrastructure and its availability in order to access opportunities was seen to be essential in economic growth being successful and every effort was being made to facilitate the provision of Superfast Broadband throughout the County, which was demonstrated by the County Council’s continued commitment towards this.  It was acknowledged that universal provision of Superfast Broadband was critical to the future economic prosperity of Dorset.


Officers explained that in enabling economic growth, consideration should be given to the part employment; housing; skills; infrastructure and the environment played and the relationship between these. Whilst sophisticated technological business played a critical part in how economic growth might be achieved, there was a need to recognise the importance of what part other more traditional sectors played in this across the rural county, with the likes of tourism, agriculture, fishing, mineral extraction and quarrying, and oil exploration and production all playing their significant part in benefitting the economy. The viability of these would ensure that rural development was maintained and that there was investment made to benefit the rural sector alongside other sectors of the economy. 


The Committee were keen to see that commercial investment fulfilled its potential and how the County Council was able to facilitate economic growth for the private sector was instrumental in this. There was an acknowledgment that businesses needed to be encouraged to locate to Dorset for prosperity to be achieved. Given the various means by which the County Council could play  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Outcomes Based Accountability - Context Setting pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (attached).

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which provided background and context in relation to Outcomes Based Accountability which was a key methodology that the Authority had adopted to ensure it maintained a clear focus on priority outcomes for Dorset residents and communities. 


Also included within the report was a sample scoping document and report which had been prepared, for illustrative purposes only, in order for members to see how a planning and scoping document could look in relation to helping support the future overview and scrutiny review work of the Committee. The scoping document had been trialled by Councillors Biggs and Canning for an area of spotlight scrutiny, relating to parking arrangements in Dorchester,  and they reported that it had proven very helpful.







Work Programme pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To provide the opportunity to develop the Committee’s Draft Work Programme (attached).


So as to stimulate debate, the Chairman and Lead Officers actively encourage members to reflect on the Committee’s Terms of Reference with a view to prior consideration being given to items they consider could benefit from scrutiny in looking at the Committee’s Work Programme. These can be then given due consideration at the meeting.


As a prelude to this, Councillors Canning and Biggs have proposed the establishment of a Policy Development Panel on a new residents’ parking strategy for the County Council.


Useful hyperlinks relating to the responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:-

·         Enabling Economic Growth Strategy –

·         State of Dorset Economy –

·         Cabinet Forward Plan -

·         Cabinet decisions taken in previous 12 months -





The Committee was provided with the opportunity to develop it’s Draft Work Programme and to participate in proceedings. So as to stimulate debate, the Chairman and Lead Officers had actively encourage members to reflect on the Committee’s Terms of Reference with a view to prior consideration being given to items they considered could benefit from scrutiny in looking at their Work Programme. These were given due consideration at the meeting. As a prelude to this, Councillors Canning and Biggs had proposed the establishment of a Policy Development Panel on a new residents’ parking strategy for the County Council.


The Committee had also been given the opportunity to have a better understanding of the responsibilities of the Committee, with hyperlinks providing detail about: Enabling Economic Growth Strategy; the State of Dorset Economy; the Cabinet Forward Plan; and Cabinet decisions taken in the previous 12 months.


The Committee acknowledged that the use of policy development panels, task and finish groups, working groups, spotlight scrutiny and inquiry days were all legitimate  means by which scrutiny could be achieved, with whatever method used, being proportionate and relevant to that activity to secure an appropriate return on investment. 


In being asked to propose topics, the Committee devised the following list, including methods for scrutiny and the members to take part:-


·         Residents Parking Strategy – Working Group / Spotlight Scrutiny / PDP (Andy Canning / Richard Biggs)

·         Bus Subsidies (T&F Group) (Hilary Cox / Andy Canning)

·         Commercial Investment Aspirations / Opportunities incl. Investment (Mike Byatt / Hilary Cox)

·         Digital Strategy incl. Broadband (Mike Byatt)

·         Skills & Training (Mike Byatt)

·         Demographic changes – Impact on Services & Infrastructure (Inquiry Day)

·         Affordable Housing (Mike Byatt)

·         Physical Infrastructure

·         LEP / Growth Board – Presentation to set context and understand impact & outcomes

·         Overview functions -

-          Renewable energy

-          carbon footprint


The Committee acknowledged that the prioritising of these items was to be determined and that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board would play its part in assessing them. The Committee also acknowledged that there was a need for a lead officer to be identified for each topic to provide a clear link and contact point to support and coordinate the required work with elected members. The Director for Economy and the Environment agreed to advise the Committee of the lead officers as soon as was practicable.



That the suggested topics listed above be reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for information and assessment  and for those,  in conjunction with those members and officers involved in each of the topics actively taking action to progress matters as soon as practicable.





Reason for Decision

To ensure that proceedings to actively scrutinise topics were undertaken as soon as practicable.





Dorset County Council Action Plan for Management of Pollinators pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider a report by the Director for Environment and the Economy, which is to be subsequently considered by Cabinet at their meeting on 29 June 2016 (attached).


The Committee considered a report by the Director for Environment and the Economy  on the County Council’s Action Plan for the Management of Pollinators. The Committee acknowledged the essential role pollinators played in providing pollination services for many commercial crops and wild plant species, and their significant value to the UK economy, estimated at over £400 million annually. Given Dorset’s significant agricultural sector, the importance of pollinators to Dorset’s economy and environment was acknowledged despite pollinators such as bees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths being in decline. Pressures such as habitat loss and degradation, pests and diseases, pesticide use and climate change individually, and in combination, were having negative impacts on populations and, as a result, reducing the pollinators effectiveness.


It was therefore proposed that the County Council should play its part in helping to reduce this decline and, where possible, enhance populations, by adopting an Action Plan for Pollinators, in line with similar plans adopted by other public bodies. This would specify the principles by which Dorset County Council would seek to deliver services and projects at an operational level in a way that maximised positive impacts and minimised negative impacts on pollinator species.


The Action Plan proposed a range of positive principles which could be applied to the management of County Council assets, projects and decision-making processes, as well as a prohibition on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, which had been linked to the decline in pollinators, on County Council land where the power to enforce this existed.


The attention of the Committee was drawn to the principles of the Action Plan which was proposed to be adopted with immediate effect, or to be applied to future projects, asset management plans and decision-making processes as and when they were developed and/or reviewed.


The Committee acknowledged the importance of pollinators to Dorset’s economy and environment and the benefits Dorset’s agricultural sector brought to that economy, and accordingly endorsed the proposals, as set out in the Director’s report.



That the Cabinet be asked to adopt the proposed Action Plan for Pollinators, as set out in section 2 of the Director’s report having taken into account the views of the Committee.


Reason for Recommendation

The adoption of the proposed Action Plan for Pollinators would help Dorset County Council meet its aim of a ‘healthy environment’ as set out in the Corporate Plan 2016 outcomes framework.


Questions from County Councillors

To answer any questions received in writing by the Chief Executive by not later than 10.00am on Friday 10 June 2016.


No questions were asked by members under Standing Order 20(2).