Meeting documents

Dorset County Council People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 26th June, 2017 11.15 am

Venue: Committee Room 1

Contact: Helen Whitby, Senior Democratic Services Officer  01305 224187 - Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologises for absence received at the meeting.


Code of Conduct

Members are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 regarding disclosable pecuniary interests.


·         Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the member or other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary interest.


·         Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entered in the Register (if not this must be done on the form available from the clerk within 28 days).


·         Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the County Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of a dispensation to speak and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item.


The Register of Interests is available on and the list of disclosable pecuniary interests is set out on the reverse of the form.



There were no declarations by members of disclosable pecuniary interests under the Code of Conduct.


Terms of Reference

To note the Committee’s Terms of Reference:-


"Purpose of Committee


Delivering good outcomes for the residents and communities we serve through a constructive, proactive and objective approach to the consideration, scrutiny and review of policies, strategies, financial and performance issues.



- To review and develop policy at the Committee's own initiative or at the request of the Cabinet or the Public Health Joint Board and make recommendations to the Cabinet, Joint Committee or the Full Council.

- To oversee major consultations and make recommendations to the Cabinet, Joint Committee or the Full Council.

- To give advice on any matters as requested by the Cabinet or the Joint Committee.



- To hold the Executive to account through a process that seeks and considers necessary explanations, information and evidence to ensure good outcomes for our residents and communities.

- Through proactive scrutiny inquiry work, to contribute to improving the lives of our residents and communities, through an active contribution to the Council’s improvement agenda.

- To scrutinise key areas of strategic and operational activity and, where necessary, make recommendations to the Full Council, Cabinet or Joint Committee in respect of;

i) Matters which affect the Council's area or its residents.

ii) Performance of services in accordance with the targets in the Corporate Plan or other approved service plans.

iii) To provide a clear focus on finding efficiency savings in accordance with requirements in the Council’s financial strategy.

iv) To monitor expenditure against available budgets and, where necessary, make recommendations to the Cabinet or the Joint Committee.

v) To consider proposed budget plans, service plans and any other major planning or strategic statements and to make recommendations to the Cabinet or the Joint Committee.


Specific responsibilities for the Committees are;

‘To exercise a proactive and effective overview and scrutiny of functions to ensure the effective delivery of those specific outcomes as contained in the Corporate Plan…;’


Outcomes:- To ensure that people in Dorset are HEALTHY and INDEPENDENT


Most people are healthy and make good lifestyle choices….

- Children and families know what it means to be healthy and happy

- People adopt healthy lifestyles and lead active lives;

- People enjoy emotional and mental wellbeing;

- People stay healthy, avoiding preventable illness as they grow older;

- People live in healthy, accessible communities and environments.


We all want to live independent lives and have a choice over how we live….

- Families are strong and stable and experience positive relationships;

- Children and young people are confident learners and are successful as they grow

into adulthood;

- People remain happily independent and stay in their own homes for as long as


- People are part of inclusive communities and don’t feel lonely or isolated;

- People who do need help have control over their own care."


The Committee considered its terms of reference.  The Chairman reminded members that they had the ability to co-opt other members to join reviews and he had asked Councillor Kate Wheller to continue the work she had started on workforce capacity as a Committee member last year.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 163 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2017.


The minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2017 were confirmed and signed.




Progress on Matters Raised at Previous Meetings pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To consider a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme.


The Committee considered a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme which updated them on actions arising from the last and previous meetings.




Public Participation

To receive any questions or statements by members of the public.


Public Speaking

There were no public questions received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(1).


There were no public statements received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(2).


Local Government Reform pdf icon PDF 174 KB

A report to consider governance arrangements for Local Government Reorganisation in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole.  To follow.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Chief Executive on proposals for the Council to be part of two joint committees, with other Dorset councils, to develop future governance arrangements and service provision across the County in order to support Local Government Reorganisation.


The Leader of the Council presented the report and reminded members of the submission to the Secretary of State for proposed changes to Local Government arrangements in Dorset, the purpose of the suggested joint Committees and their composition.  She asked to Committee to consider an amendment to the report that the County Council's seats on the Joint Committee should be capped at six irrespective of the number of councils that could join at a later date.  Members noted that the report would be considered by all councils in Dorset and this change would be conveyed to them in due course.


In response to a question, the political composition and proportionality for the Joint Committee was clarified by the Head of Organisational Development, as the Monitoring Officer.


Councillor David Jones addressed the Committee on behalf of the County Council's Christchurch members about their concern for Christchurch being linked with Bournemouth and Poole.  They were prepared to support the County Council having two members on the East Joint Committee but he suggested that the two seats be taken by Councillors from Christchurch electoral divisions.  In proposing this representation, the Christchurch members reserved and confirmed their rights to oppose Option 2B in respect of Local Government Reorganisation.  He did not think that County Council representatives would represent Christchurch residents' views on the Joint Committee and he questioned the wording in the report.  In response, the Leader of the Council acknowledged that the wording had led to some misunderstanding.  There was no intention for County Council representatives on the Joint Committee to represent Christchurch views.  The wording should say that the County Council would only represent Christchurch residents because of the services they were receiving from the Council, not as individuals.  There was no intention of County Councillors to act on behalf of the Borough Council. Councillor Jones thanked the Leader for her clarification and would report this to his Christchurch colleagues.


It was clarified that Christchurch Borough Councillors would be invited to join the Joint Committee.


The Committee was asked to comment on the report from the County Council's perspective.  It was recognised that dual hatted members would also have an opportunity to comment at their District and Borough Council meetings.


RECOMMENDED  (unanimously)

1.    That the County Council be recommended to approve the proposal to establish two Joint Committees with other Councils across Dorset to support the development of the Future Dorset proposal for Local Government Reorganisation, aiming to deliver

sustainable services across Dorset for the future.

2.   That the membership of the proposed Joint Committees with the County Council's seats be capped at six, irrespective of the number of councils that could join at a later date.


Reason for Decision

To enable Dorset County Council to form part of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Dorset Education Performance 2016: Self Evaluation pdf icon PDF 537 KB

To consider a report by the Corporate Director for Children, Adults and Communities.


Lead Member: Councillor David Walsh

Lead Officer: Jay Mercer, Assistant Director – Prevention and Partnerships


The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director for Children and Adults and Communities on the self-assessment of Dorset's Education Performance in 2016.


The Assistant Director - Prevention and Partnerships presented the report and highlighted the national context, reductions in the education support grant, the Council's responsibility for school improvement for local authority maintained schools and academies and the timing of school assessments, exams and results.  He then referred to the outcomes for the different key stage areas highlighting particular areas of disappointing performance and the contradiction between performance and Ofsted inspection results.


Members discussed the report in detail, were concerned and disappointed about the current situation and agreed that a review was necessary.  They asked whether poor attainment was linked to social and economic disadvantage, how schools who were not performing well were supported, current funding arrangements, the effect on figures of pupils living in Dorset and attending selective education, whether successful schools could be used to help under-performers and whether the Council was putting pressure on Central Government with regard to funding allocations.  The Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills assured members that Government was being lobbied by many councils with regard to funding and the lack of any indication as to future funding levels made planning difficult.  She welcomed a review and indicated a couple of areas that any review might include.  She was concerned that the limited resources available should be targeted to best effect to improve current performance. 


The Committee agreed that an Inquiry Day should be held to undertake the review, that interested parties be invited to take part and that it should be held in Autumn 2017 after the latest provisional examination results were known.  It was agreed that Councillor David Walsh would act as Lead Member supported by Councillors Ros Kayes and Kate Wheller.  The Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills would be kept informed of progress.



1.   That a review ofpupil and school performance and school improvement work be undertaken.

2.   That Councillor David Walsh would act as Lead member and be supported by Councillors Ros Kayes and Kate Weller. The Lead Member and Leader Officer would meet to progress the review by way of an Inquiry Day to be held in the Autumn.

3.   That Councillor Deborah Croney, Cabinet Member for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills, be kept informed of progress.  


Special Educational Needs Budget pdf icon PDF 267 KB

To consider the scoping report for the review.


Lead Member:

Lead Officer: Jay Mercer, Assistant Director – Prevention and Partnerships


The Committee considered a scoping report for a review of the Special Educational Needs Budget.  The item had been highlighted for a possible review at a previous meeting in order for members to understand it and the pressures involved.  A half day review was suggested with interested parties being invited to take part.


There was some discussion about the role of the County Council and the Schools Forum in allocating funds and members noted that the reducing funds were being used to support increasing numbers of children. In view of the Committee's role to scrutinise areas of financial challenge, members agreed to progress the review.  This would be led by Councillor David Walsh, supported by Councillor Ros Kayes.  They would meet with the Lead Officer to progress the review.



1.   That a half day review be organised to look at the Special Educational Needs Budget.

2.   That Councillor David Walsh would act as Lead Member for the review, supported by Councillor Ros Kayes.


Draft Annual Report 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 166 KB

To consider the Committee’s first Draft Annual Report.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered its first Draft Annual Report.



That the Draft Annual Report be published.


Corporate Plan pdf icon PDF 271 KB

To consider a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for the Adult and Community Forward Together Programme.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme on the Draft Corporate Plan.


The Draft Plan was based on the four corporate outcomes that the Overview and Scrutiny Committees were designed to monitor.


This year's version was more evidence related and measurable, and was supported by population indicators in order to be able to demonstrate whether or not outcomes were improving. A foreword by the Leader and Chief Executive was to be added.   Performance measures to measure the County Council’s own specific impact on outcomes were being developed and would be presented to the Committee's meeting in October 2017, along with  delivery strategies for the "Healthy" and "Independent" outcomes.


Members discussed the role of organisations to support the Corporate Plan and its aim to improve outcomes for residents, tools available to ensure organisations played their part, the role of scrutiny to review local issues in a timely way, and how inequalities in life expectancy rates  and the increasing number of people living with diabetes might be better understood and addressed.


Attention was drawn to the Outcomes Tracker which members could access through Dorset for You to gain up to date outcome data.  Members could be given further details on request.


The Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme reminded members that they needed to be mindful of the Corporate Plan and the Council's financial pressures when identifying and prioritising issues for review.



That the Draft Corporate Plan be recommended to the Cabinet and the County Council for adoption.


Reason for Recommendation

The 2017-18 Corporate Plan provided an overarching strategic framework for monitoring progress towards good outcomes for Dorset. The Overview and Scrutiny committees provided corporate governance and performance monitoring arrangements so that progress against the corporate plan could be monitored effectively.


Race and Hate Crime pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To consider the scoping report for the review.


Lead Member:

Lead Officer: Patrick Myers, Assistant Director – Design and Development


The Committee considered a scoping report for a review into Race and Hate Crime, which had previously been identified by the Committee as an area for review.


Although there had been an increase in incidents of race and hate crime at the time the issue was identified, this had been a temporary blip.  However, members were asked to consider whether to progress the review given recent events.  This would provide an opportunity to look at action in Dorset to minimise incidents, partnership working, and support provided for victims.  Any review might also consider incidents concerning the disabled or those with mental health issues.  A half day review was suggested with the Police, schools, the Islamic Centre and others being invited to participate.


Some members were aware of some incidents within their electoral divisions, and others had found no evidence of such crime.  They discussed whether there was benefit in carrying out the review.  In view of the recent incidents nationally, the under-reporting of incidents and to show that members were keen to understand the local situation, it was agreed that the review should proceed as suggested and other members should be invited to take part to share their experience.


Members were informed that Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner was concerned about incidents of race and hate crime and officers would liaise with him about the review.



1.   That a half day review of race and hate crime be undertaken. 

2.   That Councillor Clare Sutton be Lead Member, supported by Councillor David Walsh.

3.   That officers liaise with the Police and Crime Commissioner about the review.


Workforce Capacity pdf icon PDF 301 KB

To consider the scoping report for the review.


Lead Member:

Lead Officers: Harry Capron, Assistant Director – Adult Social Care and Patrick Myers, Assistant Director – Design and Development





The Committee considered a scoping report for a review of workforce issues. 


Members noted that workforce issues affected both Adult and Children's Services and provided additional budget pressures for both Directorates. The review linked to the financial efficiency of the County Council and future demand on foster care.  It was suggested that the review focus on retention and recruitment.  This could include looking at the possible effects of Brexit, external initiatives, multi-agency action, what worked well and what was not working,  The review would help officers better manage the budget in future.


The Committee recognised the importance of the review and that it would require several meetings to complete.  It was agreed that a working group be established to undertake the review and that Councillor Ros Kayes would act as Lead Member with Councillor Kate Wheller in support.



1.   That a review be undertaken.

2.   That Councillor Ros Kayes act as Lead Member with support from Councillor Kate Wheller.


Social Inclusion pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report by the Corporate Director for Children, Adults and Communities.


Lead Member: Councillor David Walsh

Lead Officer: Paul Leivers, Assistant Director – Early Years and Community Services


The Committee considered a scoping report for the review of social inclusion previously identified by them as an area for review.


The report set out a suggested way of undertaking the review, using the areas of Beaminster and Blandford to try to understand them in order to identify what might be rolled out in other areas.  Given the recent changes to the Committee's membership following the election, members' support for the review was sought. Councillor David Walsh had previously been identified as Lead Member.


Members noted that the review would consider social inclusion across all age ranges and that Young Researchers would be used to gain young people's views.


With regard to how surveys were conducted and whether results gave a true reflection, officers agreed to look at response rates and sample sizes.


Links between social isolisation, deprivation, loneliness and community transport were highlighted, and a lack of information about the Weymouth and Portland area.



1.   That the review continue as set out in the report.

2.   That the Group comprise Councillors David Walsh (Lead Member), Derek Beer and Andrew Parry.


Review of Community Transport pdf icon PDF 288 KB

To consider the scoping report for the review.


Lead Member: Councillor David Walsh

Lead Officer: Matthew Piles, Service Director - Economy


The Committee considered a briefing report which was provided as Community Transport had been identified previously as an area for review.


Members were reminded that the Audit and Scrutiny Committee had reviewed Community Transport in 2014 and its recommendations had been implemented.  Officers were now working with communities to look at alternative provision, and with local Transport Action Groups, operators and the Clinical Commissioning Group to explore options. 


Many local members had experience of transport issues within their electoral divisions and supported this approach as a means of addressing cuts to services.  They suggested that a press release be issued, particularly for rural areas, to explain how community transport could fill gaps in provision. 


With regard to whether operators were coming forward to run routes, it was explained that tenders for inter-urban routes were to be submitted by that day.  However, communities did need to come forward with ideas for provision within their areas and it was noted that there had been few responses from East Dorset.


Approaches to community transport being taken in Bridport, Weymouth and Portland were highlighted as well as the need to support local towns and their businesses.  Attention was drawn to changes to school arrangements on Portland from September 2017 and that no transport plan had been put in place for this.


It was agreed that a review be undertaken by way of an inquiry day, with Councillor Derek Beer acting as Lead Member supported by Councillors Andrew Parry and Mary Penfold.



1.   That a review of Community Transport be undertaken by way of an Inquiry day by a group comprising Councillors Derek Beer (Lead Member), Andrew Parry and Mary Penfold.

2.   That officers consider issuing a press release, particularly for rural areas, to explain how community transport could fill gaps in provision.


Quality and Cost of Care

To receive a verbal update on what has happened since the Inquiry Day was held on 13 February 2017.


Lead Member: Councillor David Walsh

Lead Officer: Sally Wernick, Safeguarding and Quality Service Management


The Committee received an update on actions taken following the Inquiry Day into the Quality and Cost of Care held in February 2017. 


Members noted that key issues related to work force recruitment and retention, the increasing complexity of the care that was needed, that people were increasingly funding their own care and how this affected the viability of care packages.  The Committee had already established a group to look at workforce issues and had added a review of the Better Care Fund to its work programme. An invitation had been issued to members from a care provider to visit a care home and many were keen to do this.


With regard to recent press articles indicating that a number of small care providers were going out of business and how this was impacting on the County Council's provision of care, it was explained that nationally there was a shortage of nursing and skilled staff and this meant that some smaller providers could not sustain their business.  Locally work was ongoing across organisations to try to assist providers to facilitate staff retention and address capacity issues.  With the increasing complexity of cases it was likely that more nursing care would be needed in future and this needed to be taken into account when future capacity was being considered.


Attention was drawn to recent press coverage of BUPA care homes and members noted that there were three in Dorset, all rated Good by the Care Quality Commission.  These were regularly monitored by the County Council.


Members were reminded that other councillors could be invited to take part in reviews, not just members of the Committee, The possibility of using Sharepoint to inform members about reviews being undertaken was suggested.




Work Programme pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To receive the People and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme.  So as to stimulate debate, the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme (Lead officer) encourages members of the committee to give some thought as to what they consider the scope of the committee to be and the expectations they have for what might be achievable (how this can be put into practice). These can be then given due consideration at the meeting.


The Committee considered its current work programme for 2017-18.


The Chairman referred to items still to be scheduled for review and stated that he would lead the Delayed Transfers of Care review to be undertaken in January 2018 and that Councillor Mary Penfold would lead the Mental Health review, supported by Councillor Derek Beer.


Members were referred to the chart included in the work programme report which could be used to prioritise items for review.




Questions from County Councillors

To answer any questions received in writing by the Chief Executive by not later than 10.00am on 21 June 2017.


No questions were asked by members under Standing Order 20(2).