Decision details

Award for Dorset Care Framework for People with Learning Disabilities

Decision Maker: Officer Delegated Decision

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Note: This decision is recorded following the end of Dorset County Council on 31 March 2019.  The detail of the decision was received on or after 1 April 2019.


Dorset County Council commissioned care and support for approximately 893 people who have a Learning Disability and are eligible for funded support within the framework of the Care Act 2014.


Services for people with learning disabilities have previously been  purchased via a mixture of contract types. The Dorset Care Framework for People with Learning Disabilities will replace the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) which has been in operated by the Commissioning Partners since 1st June 2016 and the residential and nursing contract which expired on November 2017.


On 18 July 2018, Cabinet instructed that a new set of contract arrangements should be put in place to ensure that the council:


           is compliant with contract and procurement rules and have a legal contract in place for 1st April 2019. 

           can procure care and support that demonstrates good value for money, meets eligible need and is compliant with Care Quality Commission standards.

           can continue to shape the market to deliver a more personalised approach and can progress integrated health and social care commissioning and pathways.


The procurement for a new framework would be joint procurement with CCG partners but would be led by Dorset County Council.


Following a tendering process and consideration of a recommendation to award report approval is given for lots 1,2,4,5,6 and 10) with lots 3,7,8 and 9 to be tendered later.


Communication with providers in these lots should be made as planned on 15th March 2019.


Lot 11 is not approved and must not be awarded at this time.  The wording was authorised, subject to approval from Legal colleagues, and should be included in the Provider communications for notification of outcome of tender and the OJEU Contract Award Notice.  Procurement colleagues are expected to seek legal approval of the proposed wording before issue.


Lot 11 will not be awarded due to further due diligence work required by the Council in relation to its Public Sector Equality Duty.

Reasons for the decision:

To award contracts following a procurement process for the provision of services under a Dorset Care Framework for People with Learning Disabilities which was authorised by Cabinet on 18 July 2018.

Alternative options considered:

Whether it was appropriate to make the award to all lots or not. As there had been a thorough tender process it was appropriate to award to six of the 11 lots (see above).  A decision not to award was made for one lot.

Publication date: 29/04/2019

Date of decision: 14/03/2019