Issue - meetings

Dorset Council Intranet

Meeting: 07/03/2019 - Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 94)

94 Dorset Council Interim Intranet pdf icon PDF 310 KB

To receive a report on the Dorset Council interim Intranet.


At the last meeting of the committee, members had requested a report with regard to the interim arrangements that were being put in place until the introduction of a permanent intranet solution in October 2019.  Further to this, members received a report which provided background to the issue, an assessment of progress made so far in resolving it, and next steps.


Members discussed the contents of the report and points were raised as follows:


·                The Constitution and all key committee information would be available

·                Members discussed the search capability of the Intranet site and it was noted that there would be a search facility but that this would be limited to the content of the Interim Intranet and not the legacy sites.  A ‘How do I?’ tab would also be included

·                All content had already been put onto the Interim Intranet site and the Project Team were comfortable with the level of information included.  Further information would be added in due course however it was noted that the information would not replicate that already included on the legacy sites.  The Interim Intranet would signpost to information already provided on other sites.  Work would be undertaken with services in order to ensure that correct information was included

·                The Interim Intranet homepage would include Dorset Council news, blogs from the Senior Leadership Team, alerts, jobs and a ‘How do I?’ section which would route through to legacy council policies and information as relevant.  The legacy sites would not be rebranded

·                A discussion was held with regard to the pros and cons of the use of Sharepoint and Wordpress.  The current direction of travel was towards the use of Sharepoint, however further analysis needed to be undertaken as to how this fitted into the wider picture, before a decision was taken.