Issue - meetings

Dorset Council Commissioner Update

Meeting: 27/02/2024 - Shareholder Committee for Care Dorset Holdings Ltd (Item 32)

32 Dorset Council Commissioner Update pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To receive an update on developments relevant to Care Dorset.


The Interim Programme Director, Commissioning, Market Relationships, Major Contracts & over 65’s introduced the report that sets out the developments on the part of the Council relevant to Care Dorset and highlighted the following points.


·       Positive dialogue continued between commissioners, other council teams and Care Dorset.

·       The Business Plan for Care Dorset was due to be considered by the committee in October 2024.

·       Officers were working towards specification services, including residential care framework tendering which meant that the council was talking to Care Dorset around the specification of their services along with the wider market.

·       Plans for building new bedded reablement services were also reaching key gateways in the outline design development phases.

·       Work had been undertaken to agree a position on the rent and maintenance of the premises occupied by Care Dorset.

·       In respect of performance and services, there remained continued discussions as to the bed based which transferred from Tricuro. General occupancy had greatly improved and the rapid conversion of some beds to flexi-beds or short term reablement beds continued to deliver positive results.

·       Discussions continued around day opportunities.

·       In respect of new long-term developments, there had been several constructive planning sessions to move forward on the Council’s plans. This included to construct further reablement and rehabilitation facilities.  Progress around the option to build on the Dorset County Hospital site, as well as other options continued to be investigated.

·       Referred to value delivery by Care Dorset, sighting a diagram set out in the report at figure 1.


In response to a question, the Programme Director confirmed that there was a lot of positives in Dorset having its own care company.  However, it was important to work to strengthen Care Dorset, but there was also a need to respect and sustain the council’s responsibilities in the wider private sector market of adult social care.


The Portfolio Holder for People - Adult Social Care and Health welcomed the report and the opportunities to shape the market, this approach would have a vital impact on the market and provision of services in a rural setting.


Members welcomed the report and the ongoing work, and the Programme Commissioner confirmed that the Business Plan would build on the commissioning strategy going forward.





(a)           That the continued progress made in development of the relations between Commissioners and Care Dorset, be noted.


(b)           That the priority areas being addressed and plans in place to further develop Care Dorset priorities in line with Dorset Council “A Better Life” Commissioning Strategies, be noted.