Issue - meetings

Presentation - Dorset Council Brexit Preparations

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 19)

Presentation - Dorset Council EU Exit Preparations

To receive a presentation from the Executive Director of Place with regard to preparations being made by Dorset Council in respect of EU Exit.


The committee received a presentation which set out the preparations being undertaken by Dorset Council in respect of EU exit.  It was noted that this would be the first of a series of presentations to be given to the committee on this issue.  The presentation set out the key council services impacted and the need to ensure that Dorset Council was prepared and could continue to provide services, whilst taking a proportionate and risk based approach.  A team had been brought together to work through the various issues and risks identified and work was being undertaken with other organisations, including the Local Enterprise Partnership.


The committee considered the issues arising from the presentation and during consideration the following points were raised:


·                Issues around transport and fishing were being looked at by Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council in respect of the Port of Poole, and Dorset Council was supporting the council in planning through the Local Resilience Forum.  Close work in respect of fisheries was being undertaken with the Fisheries Local Area Group (FLAG) and work was also being undertaken with the council’s economic development team

·                In respect of health issues, discussion was held within the local resilience forum arrangements and discussion had been held with the NHS.  The council’s role in adult social care was recognised

·                Planning meetings were currently scheduled up until the end of the year.  The level of preparation would not be stepped down until more was known

·                In response to a question, contingency plans were in place in case of a national restriction on fuel.  As a council, a contingency plan was in place to ensure that critical services could continue to operate.  The financial implications of potential rising costs for items such as fuel was picked up as part of the finance report to be considered later in the agenda and it was noted that reserves within the budget were in place

·                A question was raised with regard to the impact on the farming community and it was noted that a lot of support was provided to businesses including agriculture.  Work was undertaken with the Dorset Chamber of Commerce and the Local Enterprise Partnership and liaison undertaken with the National Farmers Union (NFU) and County Landlords Association

·                In respect of planning, the EU exit presented some difficulties in terms of predicting what may happen.  However, it was noted that the quality of information from the Government had improved and the council was able to respond to the information and advice provided and undertake learning from partners.  Government provided funding was partly being used to provide a contingency fund in this area

·                The council was working with education providers in order to give the best possible advice and guidance.