Agenda and minutes

Virtual with Outside Broadcasting, Joint Public Health Board - Thursday, 20th May, 2021 10.00 am

Please Note:

Our committee pages will be unavailable on Saturday 25 May due to website maintenance.

Venue: Virtual with Outside Broadcasting

Contact: David Northover 224175  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the meeting from the BCP Council




That Councillor Karen Rampton be elected Chairman for the meeting.


Appointment of Vice-Chairman

To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the meeting from the Dorset Council representatives.



That Councillor Laura Miller be appointed Vice-Chairman for the meeting



To receive any apologies for absence.




An apology for absence was received from Councillor Nicola Greene (BCP).


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.



No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.



Public Participation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and members of the public.


No statements and questions from Town and Parish Councils or public

statements or questions were received at the meeting.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 176 KB

To consider the current Forward Plan of the Board.


The Board’s Forward Plan was noted and, what was due to be considered

over the coming months, accepted.



JPHB Annual Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider a report by the Director of Public Health.

Additional documents:


The Board received the Annual Report which was designed to play its part of the renewed agreement for the shared service the Director of

Public Health Dorset: reflecting on the achievements of the service, and identifying any areas for development and set out what still had been achieved - despite the need to respond to and address the needs of the Covid 19 pandemic – and the means by which this had been done in terms of:-

preventative work, partnership working, drug and alcohol interventions, Sexual health, LiveWell Dorset; Children and Young People’s Public Health Service, Community Health Improvement Services (CHIS), NHS Health checks, Integrated care system, prevention at Scale and the Dorset Offer


Appendix A summarised the work of the public health service in the

financial year 2020/21, with the Board being asked to acknowledge the

overwhelming nature of the work being focused on the response to the

coronavirus global pandemic, but that achievements had still been made on delivering on objectives in our annual business plan during the



The Board were assured that the team had endeavoured to deliver as far as possible against their statutory responsibilities, provided essential public health services in line with Government guidance at the

time, and above all protected and responded to the health threats arising from the unprecedented pandemic.


The Board expressed its appreciation for what the whole Public Health Dorset team had done in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic and commented that this was a credit to the team, to local councils and their partners and to the residents of Dorset. They commented that this demonstrated the importance of our public health service and that Dorset and its residents were benefitting from the robust response being shown. They hoped this positive response could be maintained and improved upon and looked forward to seeing what positive achievements the future held.



That in reviewing the Annual report of the shared service for 2020-21 the objectives achieved and the way this was done were noted and endorsed.


Reason for Decision

Production of an annual report setting out the work of the shared public health

service was agreed as condition of the renewed service agreement between

BCP and Dorset Councils.




Finance Report pdf icon PDF 264 KB

To consider a report by the Director of Public Health.


The Board received an update on the use of each Council’s grant for public

health, including the budget for the shared service, Public Health Dorset, and

the other elements of grant used within each Council outside of the public

health shared service. The report described how the funding was being

applied and to what services and in what proportion.                                                                                  


The final outturn for the Public Health Dorset 20/21 budget, after £1M was

returned to local authorities in 2020/21, was £27.742M, against a budget

of £28.748M. Reserves now stand at £1.940M. Grant allocations for public health were published 16 March and included an uplift. This provided the opportunity to meet the original commitment of £1M to be retained by Councils in 2021/22 for investment in public health outside of the shared service.

Agreement has also been reached on the financial impact of the shift of BCP drug and alcohol contracts. This means a change in the recommended contributions for each local authority, set out in Appendix 2 for approval. This will form the revised financial annex to the shared service partnership agreement for 2021/22. The public health ring-fenced conditions apply equally to these elements of the grant and the use of the Grant in each council outside of the shared service will continue to be monitored through the JPHB.


The opening revenue budget for Public Health Dorset in 21/22 is

£25.036M. There will continue to be COVID-19 impacts throughout 21/22,

with financial impacts remaining hard to gauge, however a first provisional

forecast is included in appendix 1 and shows a potential overspend.


Plans in support of COVID-19 local outbreak management plans are

developed through the COVID-19 Health Protection Board, chaired by the

Director of Public Health. Additional funding from the Test and Trace Grant

and Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) to support these plans

are overseen by each local authority. Some of the additional costs to the

shared service in supporting this work are met through these additional



The current contract with REACH for the Dorset Council area is due to

expire at the end of October 2022. Taking the current context and advice

from procurement into account it is recommended that this is extended to

the end of October 2023.


Whilst it was acknowledged that the continued interventions needed to

address the issues associated with Covid-19 were unprecedented and

represented a unique challenge both in financial and practical terms, the

Board recognised that the available funding was being used as efficiently as it

could be and appropriately prioritised to continue to optimise outcomes.



1)That the recommendation in 4.2 of the Director’s report around governance of decision making for drug and alcohol services, and monitoring of performance be supported and endorsed.

2) That Appendix 2 of the report, forming an updated financial annex to the

shared services partnership agreement for 2021/22 and giving a budget for

the shared service of £25.036M, be approved.

3) That an extension of the current REACH contract for a further year

until the end  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86.


Health Improvement Performance Update pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To consider a report by the Director of Public Health.

Additional documents:


This report provides a high-level summary of performance for LiveWell

Dorset, Smoking Cessation, weight management services, health checks

and Children and Young People’s Public Health Service (CYPPHS)

performance, and service developments in light of COVID, with supporting

data in appendices.


The Board was pleased to see the progress being made and the success being seen with the Services delivered and the health service improvements. Officers affirmed that Public Health Dorset would remain committed to maintaining and developing these improvements going forward.



That the information in the report and the performance on health improvement services and children and young people’s services and the services developments due to the impact of COVID be noted.


Reason for Decision

To update the Joint Public Health Board and to note performance, and ensure that Councils have oversight of the mandated public health services provided through the ring-fenced Public Health Grant.


Public Health Dorset Business Plan 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To consider the Public Health Dorset Business Plan 2021/22.


The report set out the 2021/22 Business Plan for Public Health Dorset and proposed what was to be done, how it was to be done and the reasons for why it was to be done.


Despite uncertainty during the pandemic, Public Health Dorset commissioned and provided essential public health services which need to be brought back up to full delivery. In learning about how we live with COVID-19,there was a  need to consider how resources can be used to support health protection work: being clear about priorities will help us develop and deliver so we are well placed for the future.


The health and wellbeing impacts of COVID-19 will be with us for a long time and public health is at the heart of the public sector response to this. We will continue to provide essential public health services while developing new programmes working with partners and communities, in line with local strategy, and Government policy.


The report highlighted the main priorities from the Business Plan,  and how these would be progressed, what the priorities were and what partnerships were in place, along with some of the risks and  issues of delivery; programmes and services – including LiveWell Dorset, substance misuse, sexual health and children and young people -, prevention at scale and what this entailed and organisational arrangements  compatible with the integrated care system, Prevention at Scale and partnership arrangements. 


The Board expressed its appreciation for what the whole Public Health Dorset team had done in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic and commented that this was a credit to the team, to local councils and their partners and to the residents of Dorset. They understood and acknowledged what PHD was trying to do, how it was doing it and why it was doing it and were satisfied that this demonstrated the importance of our public health service and that Dorset and its residents were benefitting from the robust responses and interventions being shown. They hoped this positive progress would be maintained, with the Business Plan showing the commitment towards addressing the relevant issues, how it would be done so as to achieve those outcomes.




The Board were satisfied with how the services provided were to be managed, noted the Plan and agreed with the approach to monitoring in

future meetings.


Sexual health

Children and young people

Suicide prevention

Joint Strategic Needs



Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.



There were no urgent items for consideration.