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Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Information about Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The shadow council's overview and scrutiny arrangements ensure that shadow councillors who are not on the Shadow Executive Committee can be involved in Shadow Executive Committee decisions by questioning and making recommendations.


The overview and scrutiny arrangements will reflect as far as practicable the overall political proportionality of the Shadow Council.


The  Overview and Scrutiny Committee may commission task and finish

 groups to undertake scrutiny projects. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee

will specifically:


(a)    discharge the Shadow Council’s functions under Section 9F of the Local Government Act 2000;


(b)    oversee the Shadow Council’s overall overview and scrutiny function including the preparation, implementation, monitoring and review of an annual work programme for overview and scrutiny;


(c)    establish such task and finish groups, appointing the Chairman with such membership as it sees fit, to undertake overview and scrutiny on a task and finish basis;


(d)    ensure that officers discharge their responsibilities effectively and efficiently in relation to the overview and scrutiny function;


(e)    scrutinise decisions of the Shadow Executive Committee, and offer advice or make recommendations on the matter under scrutiny once the Overview and Scrutiny Committee have considered the issues;


(f)     refer to the Shadow Council, the Shadow Executive Committee or appropriate Committee/Sub- Committee any matter which, following scrutiny, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee determines should be brought to the attention of the Shadow Council, Shadow Executive Committee or the Committee or Sub-Committee;


(g)    if requested, offer any views or advice to the Shadow Executive Committee in relation to any matter referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration;


(h)   undertake general policy reviews with a cross-service and milti- organisational approach wherever possible and make recommendations to the Shadow Council or the Shadow Executive Committee to assist in the development of future policies and strategies;


(i)     in performing its role, the Committee may consult and involve the local community and other local public, private and voluntary bodies or organisations;


(j)      review the Shadow Council’s response to its obligations in respect of the overall performance management regime and where appropriate advise the Shadow Executive Committee and the Shadow Council of its findings;


(k)    scrutinise decisions after implementation to examine their effect and outcomes;


(l)     develop, maintain and monitor policies and procedures for handling complaints made against the Shadow Council and monitor on a regular basis the level and nature of complaints received and ensure that advice is formulated regarding action to be taken to address areas of concern;


(m)  monitor the level and nature of Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman complaints and advise the Shadow Executive Committee, Committees, Sub-Committees and officers on remedial action as appropriate; and


(n)   ensure that the Shadow Council has in place appropriate mechanisms to protect organisational Integrity including the development of appropriate policies and guidance.