Agenda item

Application No: 6/2020/0321 - Swanworth Quarry, Kingston Lane, Worth Matravers, Swanage BH19 3LE

The winning and working of limestone through the lateral extension to Swanworth Quarry, retention of processing plant and existing infrastructure, importation of inert waste material for restoration purposes, and continued production and sale of recycled aggregates.


The Planning Consultant presented the report for the winning and working of limestone through the lateral extension to Swanworth Quarry, retention of processing plant and existing infrastructure, importation of inert waste material for restoration purposes, and continued production and sale of recycled aggregates.

The site was allocated in the Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019  2019 for the supply of crushed rock.


The slide presentation showed views from the Purbeck Way and a photo montage of how the proposed new bridge would look once constructed. The committee were given details of the phasing of the restoration of the site and where the restoration materials would be stored.  Due to the delay in restoration mitigation proposals were in place to support the ecological network which over time would also provide a biodiversity net gain.


The final restoration proposals involved reinstatement of the site to original levels to conserve the strong landscape and historic character of the area, and would be managed for a 30 year period.


The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.


Oral representation was received from Mr Martin Rowell in objection to the application, his concerns focussed on the affect on the AONB and local residents together with the impact of increased traffic movements.


Oral representation was received from Ms Lauren Davis, Mr John Suttle and Cllr Cherry Brooks, Ward Member, in support of the application.


The Planning Consultant was given the opportunity to respond to the speakers’ comments and the Committee members were invited to put forward any questions for clarification.

Cllr Brenton proposed a site visit as she felt it was difficult to picture the topography from the presentation slides.


The Head of Planning re-emphasised that the Planning Inspector had agreed the need for crushed rock in the location was substantial and that principle had become part of the Local Plan, which in turn had been through the test process and approved.   In response to member questions and to the proposal for a site visit he reminded the Committee that the allocation of the site in the Local Plan had been made on the basis of the landscape impacts being mitigated and compensation had been allocated for this.  Members would need to be very clear on the scope they wanted to look at if they went on a site visit.


At this stage there was a short adjournment while the Planning Officers uploaded some additional images from the landscape visual assessment, after which Cllr Brenton withdrew her proposal for a site visit.


In response to a question relating to the water table, the Head of Planning advised that this was a matter for the Environment Agency to monitor, however members requested an informative note added to ensure the water was checked and not contaminated.


Taking into account the site was allocated in the Local Plan, the benefits of the extension and the robust environmental mitigation proposals the members were supportive of the recommendation.


Proposed by Cllr Bolwell, seconded by Cllr Ridout.


Decision: that the application was granted subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes and the completion of a Section 106 agreement and an informative note to check water supplies,




Refuse planning permission if the agreement is not completed by 21 April 2023 or such extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning.


11:50 comfort break to 12:00


At this juncture Cllr Dunseith left the meeting.

Supporting documents: