Agenda item

Town and Parish Councils - Principles for transfer and disposal of assets

To review the outcome of a report considered by the Shadow Executive Committee at their meeting on 20 July 2018.  The Chairman and Chief Executive of the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils will be in attendance at the meeting to join the discussion.  It is also envisaged that there will be a representative/s of a parish and/or town council in attendance.  Councillor Jeff Cant will also be in attendance.


A copy of the report to the Shadow Executive Committee has been attached for information.


The committee reviewed a report that had been considered by the Shadow Executive Committee at their meeting on 20 July 2018.  The Chairman welcomed the following to the committee, who had been invited to join with the discussion:


·                Hilary Trevorah, Chief Executive Dorset Association for Parish and Town Councils (DAPTC)

·                Councillor Adrian Hibberd, Alderholt Parish Council and member of the DAPTC Executive Committee and Chairman of DAPTC Eastern Area Committee.

·                Dr Martin Ayres, Swanage Town Clerk


The Chairman of DAPTC, Councillor John Parker had sent his apologies as he was unable to attend the meeting.


Hilary Trevorah provided a statement from the DAPTC which set out their role in supporting 160 parish and town councils across Dorset including providing information to the councils in respect of current changes in local government in Dorset.  She noted that the link with local councils was now even more important as parish and town councils had an understanding of local needs and could be involved in helping to shape future services.  DAPTC were keen to work as partners with the unitary organisation to support local councils to work for and provide services for local communities where appropriate.


Dr Martin Ayres, Swanage Town Clerk expressed a wish to break down barriers and improve partnership working between the tiers of local government.  He provided some examples of work being undertaken in Purbeck.


Councillor Adrian Hibberd asked that smaller parishes be included in direct communication about changes in local government.  He expressed a desire for parish councils to be part of the changes but appreciated the tight timescale that was being worked to.  He asked for an indication of services and powers that may be passed down by the end of the year in order for the parish council to precept accordingly.


The committee was invited to ask the attendees questions and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                The DAPTC was working with the Shaping Dorset Council’s Programme Team and received newsletters from the team and could contact the team if there was information that was needed by DAPTC members e.g. information on the review by the Boundary Commission.  The DAPTC was not part of any officer group and made their representations by attending Shadow Council committee meetings and making representations during public participation time.  The DAPTC was not comprehensively integrated but could be contacted by the Programme Team if there was information that needed to be sent out

·                In response to a question, Hilary Trevorah noted that it would be helpful if there could be a more formal link between the DAPTC and the Programme Team

·                Members discussed the position with communications with parish and town councils and a number of members expressed the view that communications should come direct from the Shadow Council or Programme Team

·                It was noted that the report which was considered by the Shadow Executive Committee on 20 July 2018 provided a high level summary of what each sovereign council was doing in relation to the transfer of assets to town and parish councils and other community groups.  The report also set out a suggested set of principles for Dorset to ensure a consistency of approach to asset transfer that would not adversely impact on the new Council

·                The Programme Team was working to ensure a ‘safe and legal’ Council on 1 April 2019.  Decisions about asset transfer and devolution of powers would be considered at an appropriate time after this point.  This position needed to be clear in communications with town and parish councils and other relevant bodies

·                It was recognised that some councils would be keen to take on the opportunity of providing more services and that some would not want this or have the resources to be able to provide additional services

·                The Interim Head of Paid Service provided an update in respect of those task and finish groups that had been paused and noted that their work had been incorporated into the work of other task and finish groups

·                Dr Martin Ayres provided information in respect of the experiences in Swanage Town Council in previous local government reorganisation in Dorset

·                Hilary Trevorah noted that DAPTC members were aware of the budgetary constraints for the unitary organisation but emphasised the important role for parish and town councils in providing the understanding of the local needs of communities.  Councils wanted to be part of the solution as to how services were delivered in future.  Councillor Adrian Hibberd commented that this would provide an opportunity for local councils to have a real influence in their area

·                The Interim Head of Paid Service read out a statement that had been provided at the meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee on 20 July 2018 with regard to the appropriate timing of the conversation with parish and town councils.  The new unitary authority needed to decide how it would operate before any decisions could be taken on how services would be delivered in future or the devolution of powers.  It was recognised that there could be an opportunity for a piecemeal approach to discussions with parish and town councils based on the agreed principles.  Budgets would be agreed in the normal timescale and responses sent out to town and parish councils as quickly as possible.  There would be a further 3 years with no cap put on town and parish councils

·                In addition, the Interim Head of Paid Service noted that there was no reason why the DAPTC could not be linked in with the appropriate decision making frameworks.  He also noted that communications could be sent direct to town and parish councils from the Shadow Dorset Council

·                The Chairman asked the committee whether they wished to receive a report at the next meeting with regard to how DAPTC could be integrated with the Programme Team and the decision making structure of the new unitary authority?  There was not general support from the committee for this proposal

·                A point was made in respect of the need for clarity on the future of services such as provision of public toilets

·                Although there would need to be discussion at an appropriate time in the future about issues such as these it was noted that the main concerns for the unitary organisation would be the provision of Adult Social Care and Children’s Services.  It was recognised that the provision of local services such as public toilets and tourist information were important to parish and town councils

·                Councillor C Reynolds provided information on the positive experience with engaging with parish and town councils in West Dorset and in particular the experience in Lyme Regis

·                There was a general level of feeling that parish and town councils should be receiving regular  information direct from the Shadow Dorset Council in order to ensure that there was a clear line of communication

·                The Interim Head of Paid Service noted that members of the Shadow Dorset Council received bi-weekly communications from the Programme Team.  The DAPTC was also now receiving this information.  A full communications and engagement proposal was to be considered by the Shadow Executive Committee at their meeting in August


It was proposed by C Brooks seconded by N Lacey-Clarke


Recommendation to the Shadow Executive Committee


That town and parish councils receive direct communication from the Shadow Dorset Council on a fortnightly basis.

Supporting documents: