Agenda item

Member Engagement in Task and Finish Groups / Work Streams

A discussion with regard to member engagement in the Shadow Dorset Council Task and Finish Groups and Workstreams, with the Lead Member and Officer for Member Engagement.


The Chairman welcomed the Lead Member and Officer for Member Engagement who had been invited to the meeting to talk with members about member engagement in the Shadow Dorset Council task and finish groups and workstreams.  The Lead Member, Councillor G Carr-Jones indicated that he was happy to answer any questions that members had related to this area.


Members considered the issues in this area and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                The group had been set up to look at issues around member engagement in the Shaping Dorset Council programme and included representatives from each of the six councils.  The decision had been taken that electronic communications would be used including members receiving a newsletter by email and a full range of information being included on the Sharepoint site.  Use of Sharepoint by members had been monitored and it was noted that only 43 members had logged into the site.  In addition, monthly briefing sessions for members had been held.  Numbers attending the briefings appeared to be declining although attempts had been made to hold sessions at various times, including in the evening

·                A discussion was held in respect of the difference between member engagement and member involvement.  Some members felt that they were not involved in the Shadow Council arrangements although it was recognised that it was difficult for everyone to be involved

·                Councillor Carr-Jones noted that he was happy to receive feedback on ways that the wider councillor membership could be best engaged

·                Consideration was being given to the use of ModGov for the various meetings being held

·                A point was raised that there were some issues with members not attending meetings and not sending their apologies in advance, including with this committee.  The Chairman indicated that she would review the position with members attending meetings of this committee

·                There needed to be a good system where members were able to self serve in terms of finding out the information they needed

·                A discussion was held in respect of the arrangements for the member briefings and in response to a point raised, Councillor Carr-Jones noted that these needed to continue to be held as sessions for all members as it was not practical for six separate sovereign sessions to be held.  In addition it was seen as useful for members of the six councils to have opportunities to meet together and hear each others points

·                A point was raised with regard to the Shadow Council meetings and that the opportunity to have presentations and discussion at the meetings would be welcomed

·                In respect of information on people responsible for different areas, information would be included in the next newsletter

·                A point was raised that some members were not thinking forward to the new council arrangements and that opportunities were being provided for them to engage with the process.  There was a role for sovereign members to encourage other members to participate

·                It was noted that there would be some members who did not want to be part of the new council and therefore they may have chosen not to engage with the work leading up to it.  However a question was raised as to what information these members were passing on to their town and parish councils?

·                A point was raised that the workload for members in the new council would be formed in a large part by the work currently covered by Dorset County Council and that it would be beneficial for members to attend some county council meetings now in order to get an overview of the issues.  Some members were already doing this

·                Councillor Rickard raised some concerns with regard to members’ ability to deal with sovereign council issues at the present time where the focus was now on working towards the arrangements for the new council.  He raised concerns with regard to how some decisions were being taken and without scrutiny in his opinion

·                The point was reiterated that there was a lot of information available to members electronically.  In addition members had been offered 1-1s with regard to their mobile devices, committee and working group information was available on ModGov, information about the Shaping Dorset Council Programme was available on the Sharepoint site and all members received newsletters which included a question and answer section

·                The Programme Director provided an overview of the current position with the task and finish groups (now referred to as working groups)

·                A discussion was held in respect of member involvement on the working groups including members that had been part of working groups that were no longer in operation.  It was noted that there were some members who were very interested in being part of the work happening.  The Interim Monitoring Officer noted that this could be reviewed.