Agenda item

P/FUL/2023/06670 - Land At Mampits Lane Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury Town Council


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Photographs of the existing site, layout and internal and external elevations were shown. The AONB was also identified to provide context. Members were informed of the key planning issues, in particular the impact on the community and public amenity as well as layout, public open space, parking, flooding, and biodiversity.


The Case Officer highlighted to members the proposed provision of public open space which would have included the retention of open green space as well as improving the rough grassland. In addition to this, the protection during construction of trees and hedgerows was also discussed. The presentation also provided details of parking provision which had met Dorset parking standards, totalling 15 spaces. Details of the inclusion of solar panels, heat source pumps and accessibility of bin stores were discussed. The proposal conformed with policy 25 of the local plan and NPPF and had undergone a biodiversity mitigation plan. The recommendation was to grant subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report.



Public Participation


Residents spoke in objection to the proposal. They did not feel as though the site would have been properly managed and conflicted with planning policies. Mr Dibben discussed the impacts on wildlife corridors and had concerns regarding uncontrolled parking. Residents had a lack of faith in the Town Council’s proposal and suggested that they were opposed to the provision of a community hall on this site 3 years ago. Mr Reeve noted his disappointment that the proposed building was in front of an existing tree line and felt as though it lacked insufficient green space which was a local need. Ms Chilver felt as though the proposal wasn’t well put together and would have negative impacts on neighbouring properties. She felt as though it was a poor use of the site and destroyed the boundary of the countryside to the existing development. Objectors felt as though the site should be for the benefit of residents and did not feel as though an owned and staffed proposal was suitable. Concerns were also raised regarding a dangerous corner which had been subject to several near accidents, they highlighted if granted, this proposal would only make things worse and more dangerous for road users. They hoped members would overturn the officer’s recommendation for approval.



Cllr Yeo addressed the committee and highlighted that residents did not want the proposal. He stated that he lived in the area and knew the views of the local community. He was disappointed that the Shaftesbury Town Council didn’t want to run the proposal and felt as though it had been poorly designed and destroyed the village green space. Cllr Yeo urged the committee to not support the proposal and to listen to the views of residents and not impact the view of the countryside further.



Cllr Lewer highlighted that the Town Council had submitted the proposal on behalf of the Shaftesbury residents and had public consultation from the beginning. He assured members that the money would have been spent carefully to ensure local needs were met. He felt that the proposal was a sufficient use of the land and enhanced biodiversity. Cllr Lewer believed that the proposal was a good and better plan which would have been a good addition to the community which could have been used by the NHS and other agencies. He assured members that the project had been designed to be flexible and to future proof it.


The Local Ward member spoke in support of the application. He noted that the Town Council had set up a working group and had received a lot of responses. Cllr Cook also highlighted that the proposal had been designed by community volunteers and by those living in the area. He also drew attention to the biodiversity benefits and onsite parking, however, noted that the parking had been designed to promote residents walking and cycling to and from the site. The Local Ward members representation discussed how the proposal had been designed to provide a safe space and to meet the needs of Shaftesbury.



In accordance with Procedural Rule 8.1 the committee voted to extend the duration of the meeting.



Members questions and comments

·       Confirmation regarding outline consent for the scheme.

·       Concerns regarding adequate parking spaces and amenities for residents.

·       Informal open space areas.

·       Clarification on parking use and enforcement.

·       Regret that Dorset Council has been drawn into a debate between the Town Council.

·       Referred to section 12 of the NPPF and did not feel as though the proposal met the requirements.

·       Lack of biodiversity and highlighted the importance of protecting open green spaces.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, as well as advice from the Area Manager that the proposal was to be determined on its own merits, by reference to the Development Plan and other material considerations and should not be compared to the former application at Agenda item 7, a motion to REFUSE the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Toni Coombs, and seconded by Cllr Carole Jones.


Decision: To refuse the officer’s recommendation for approval subject to the following reasons:


1.    The proposed layout would result in the urbanisation of the area due to the extent of the uninterrupted liner parking along the sites frontage, which would provide insufficient landscaping, and would fail to make a positive contribution towards the environment, and the appearance of the area, contrary to Policy SFDH5 of the Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan, Policy 24 of the North Dorset Local Plan, and the NPPF. 


Supporting documents: