Agenda item

Presentation - Dorset Council Workforce Data and People Strategy

To receive a presentation on Dorset Council Workforce Data and the People Strategy.


Following a request by the committee at a previous meeting, councillors received a presentation which covered Dorset Council workforce data and the People Strategy.  The committee considered the issues arising from the presentation and during discussion, the following points were raised:


Workforce Data


·                Staff turnover and sickness absence figures were noted

·                10% of posts in the establishment were vacant and it was noted that some vacant posts had been held while restructures were undertaken.  The current tranche 2 was coming to an end

·                A review of recruitment practice had been undertaken

·                The Dorset Council website was the main location for council job vacancies, although it was noticed that a lower level of recruitment was currently taking place

·                As at the end of September 2019, the headcount for Dorset Council was 4669 (3665 Full time equivalents)

·                A discussion was held with regard to sickness levels and in particular the level of long-term sickness and the strategies that were in place to deal with these issues

·                A comment was made with regard to stress related illness and issues around mental health in particular directorates and that there may be a need for a specific piece of Human Resources (HR) work within these directorates

·                An overview of the issues being addressed through the Blueprint for Change consultation was provided including the need for manageable case loads for social workers

·                Levels of staff morale in the council were considered and different views expressed.  The council was looking to procure a system in order to survey staff in a more modern way

·                The council operated a ‘Business Partner’ approach with each service area being allocated a senior HR contact.  Workforce data was also available at directorate level

·                A point was noted with regard to the need for the committee to receive information on a timely basis and particular reference was made to the position in Children’s Services

·                The Executive Director of Corporate Development responded to recognise the position and to reiterate that everything was being done to support Children’s Services through the Blueprint for Change consultation

·                The Chairman noted that he had been contacted by the South West Audit Partnership with regard to the timing for the committee receiving information and inviting any comments from councillors prior to him submitting his response

·                Information from each directorate was included in the presentation and reference was made to ‘knowledge management’ and how information could be retained or transferred with people leaving the council.  Particular reference was made to information from the Business Insight and Corporate Communications area

·                A point was raised as to how Dorset Council held and shared information and it was understood that some work was being undertaken in this area.  It was noted that a councillor workshop on the Dorset Council transformation programmes was being held on 10 January 2020 and it was suggested that councillors attend this session and following this, the committee could give further consideration to whether any further work was required in this area

·                The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Early Help provided reassurance that a significant amount of work had been undertaken in areas such as sickness levels which had seen a reduction in levels.  Reference was also made to successful management arrangements in the Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CHAD) and a recent Ofsted visit which have shown that the council was classified as ‘requiring improvement on the way to Good’

·                Staff were recognised as a key asset for the council.


Dorset Council’s People Strategy


·                The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change introduced the Dorset Council People Strategy.  Any minor changes arising from discussion at the meeting could be incorporated into the document, with any fundamental changes, if required, being reported back to Cabinet.  The Deputy Leader expressed his thanks to staff for their work in this area and noted that the strategy had been put together with engagement with management, trade unions and the workforce

·                In response to an earlier point, it was noted that training had been made available for managers on recognising mental health issues in the work place

·                A discussion was held with regard to opportunities for young people and reference was made to work to be developed by the Rotary Club which could link in with the council and work on apprenticeships being undertaken by the council

·                A point was noted that opportunities for children would be considered including those for the council’s looked after children

·                In response to a question, it was noted that there was a very detailed equality impact assessment for the People Strategy and an inclusion and diversity policy would be produced

·                A point was raised with regard to external accreditation for the People Strategy and whether this was something the council should pursue

·                Examples of areas available to assist with the employee journey were provided

·                There would be a role for councillors in this area including the appointment of a councillor champion for mental health issues and the involvement of councillors in new employee induction events

·                Although not specifically included within the presentation, it was noted that the council had a zero tolerance policy on bullying

·                A point was raised that a goal of the People Strategy, ‘Creating a positive workplace culture’ had not been covered in the presentation, although it was noted that this could be recognised as an outcome of success in the other goals (becoming an employer of choice, developing our people, engaging our people, supporting our people and rewarding & recognising performance)

·                Further points were raised with regard to the need to include reference in the strategy to listening to people, rewarding and recognising good or high performance and encouraging people to share information

·                A comment was made that the presentation did not cover support provided, including training available, to staff in respect of domestic violence and abuse, and that this should be covered within the strategy

·                A concern was raised that the strategy did not include councillors and that this should be addressed.  Reference was also made to the councillor officer protocol and a comment made that the protocol should be enhanced for the council.  A piece of work could be undertaken with the Democratic Services Team in terms of the support available for councillors.


The Deputy Leader noted the following action points following discussion at the meeting:

·                Review of Officer/Member Protocol in the Constitution

·                Greater visibility of zero tolerance approach to bullying within the strategy

·                A need to focus on knowledge sharing and corporate memory

·                The council to demonstrate that it is a listening organisation

·                An emphasis on rewarding good performance

·                Reference to support provided to staff in respect of domestic violence and abuse including supporting managers to be able to identify issues

·                A note that the employee forum is open to all staff

·                Consideration of the point that the goal ‘Creating a positive workplace culture’ had not been covered in the presentation, although it was noted that this could be recognised as an outcome of success in the other goals

·                An update following consideration of the above issues to be provided to the Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee.


The Chairman thanked the Deputy Leader and officers for the presentation and discussion.


The Chairman made reference to occasions when the remit of an issue may cover more than one committee and it was noted that there may be a need for joint meetings in future in respect of particular items.

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