Agenda item

6/2020/0297/FUL - Alterations to existing building to form additional ground floor 1 bedroom flat and reduce size of shop unit and installation of rooflights to South elevation to serve shop at 86 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers,

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.



The Committee considered an application - 6/2020/0297/FUL - proposing alterations to an existing building to form an additional ground floor, one bedroomed flat and a reduction in the size of the shop unit and installation of rooflights to its south elevation to serve the shop at 86 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers.


With the aid of a visual presentation, officers provided context of what the

main proposals, principles and planning issues of the development were; how

these were to be progressed; what the proposal was designed to do; and what this entailed. The planning history of the site was described too.


Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location and appearance

of the development; its internal configuration and the modifications to be made to meet the needs of the development; what other alternative retail there was in the village; access, parking and highway considerations; its relationship with local amenity and neighbouring residencies and its setting within Lytchett Matravers. The arrangements for the residential habitation of the development and its relationship with the retail space and how this could be managed was described.


In summary, officers planning assessment adjudged that the merits of the

application was that it was an acceptable development, of an appropriate scale, size and design and acceptable in terms of impact on the character and appearance of the local area. The impact on neighbouring amenity, highway safety, biodiversity and drainage were also considered to be acceptable. It was considered that the dwelling would make a positive contribution towards the local housing supply, with the retail area still maintaining the scope for such an asset to benefit the community, so this formed the basis of the officer’s recommendation in seeking approval of the application.


The Committee were notified of a written submission received and officers read this direct to the Committee – it being appended to these minutes. Having heard what was said, officers responded to some of the pertinent issues raised, being confident that each one could be addressed by the provisions of the application.


Lytchett Matravers Parish Council had objected to the application considering that with the reduction of the available retail area, this would be insufficient for viability as a shop. The occupant of the adjacent property to north had objected on the grounds of loss of privacy to their residence by what was being proposed and the need for obscure glazing to mitigate this. Officers confirmed that the objector’s concerns would be duly mitigated.


One of the three local Ward members, Councillor Andrew Starr, was of a similar view to the Parish Council that what was being proposed would be insufficient to meet the need of the community. One of the other local members, Councillor Alex Brenton, agreed that the site was seemingly being overdeveloped and, whilst the flat was acceptable, the size of the shop would be inadequate for any meaningful business to prosper. She considered there was still a need for a convenience store, as before, in that part of the village and one should be retained. What was being proposed would not be able to meet that need.


However other members pointed out that a larger retail unit had attracted little interest since it was on the market, so that was why this smaller shop was being proposed and, together with the flat, would make the best use of the land available, whilst giving the opportunity for retail of some sort to still be available to the community.


The opportunity was given for members to ask questions of the presentation

and what they had heard, in seeking clarification of aspects so as to have a

better understanding in coming to a decision. Officers addressed what

questions were raised, providing what they considered to be satisfactory



Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, having

understood what was being proposed and the reasoning for this; having taken

into account the officer’s report and presentation, what they had heard at the

meeting, the views of the local ward Members and having received satisfactory answers to questions raised, the Committee were satisfied in their understanding of what the proposal entailed and the reasoning for this and, on that basis - in being proposed by Councillor Shane Bartlett and seconded by Councillor Robin Cook - on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed 8:3 that the application should be approved, subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 18 of the report.



That planning permission for application 6/2020/0297/FUL be granted subject to the conditions in paragraph 18 of the report.


Reasons for Decision

Para 14 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out that

permission should be granted for sustainable development unless specific

policies in the NPPF indicate otherwise.

The location is considered to be sustainable and the proposal is

acceptable in its design, general visual impact and impact on the

surrounding area.

There is not considered to be any significant harm to neighbouring

residential amenity.

There are no objections on highway safety, traffic or parking grounds.

There are no material considerations which would warrant refusal of this





Supporting documents: