Agenda item

Police and Crime Plan Monitoring Report (03:22:28 on recording)

To receive an update of progress against the Police and Crime Plan Q3 2020/21, to enable Panel members to scrutinise performance, seek assurance and assess outcomes achieved in the reporting period.


The PCC introduced the PCP Quarterly Monitoring Report and the headlines from the report in relation to progress against the Police and Crime Plan.


Pillar 1 - Protecting People at Risk and Harm (03:25:30 on recording).


The panel members received an update from the PCC and members were invited to ask further questions (set out below):


Recorded Hate Crime (YTD) - can the OPCC please provide a succinct verbal brief on the 34% increase?


The Chief Executive (OPCC) responded with an update on recorded hate crime.  (03:27:35 on recording). 


He advised that due to the court delays he might not be able to answer whether there was a corresponding increase in hate crime convictions by the next panel meeting but was happy to add this to the forward plan.


Action: an update on hate crime to be added to the forward plan and presented when available.


Pillar 2- Working with our Communities (03:47:44 on recording).


The panel members received an update from the PCC and members were invited to ask further questions (set out below):


Can the OPCC please outline what the issues are of “working with partners to address ASB” (Yellow)?


The PCC and The Chief Executive (OPCC) responded (03:40:14 on recording).


Pillar 3 - Supporting Victims, Witnesses and reducing Reoffending (03:49:07 on recording).


The PCC focused on the delays in the justice system due to Covid 19 restrictions and suggested this was an area the panel may wish to focus on at a future meeting.


Pillar Leads were invited to ask questions.


Pillar 4 - Transforming for the Future (03:57:56 on recording).


The panel members received an update from the PCC and were invited to ask questions.


In response to a request for an update on artificial intelligence and automation, the Chief Executive gave the panel an update on what was being worked on in the area.


The Chairman then invited all panel members to put forward their questions on the four Pillars.  (04:11:00 on recording).


Questions asked related to:

How the Force was planning to deal with an influx of visitors to Dorset during summer.

Environmental Anti-Social Behaviour.

Hate Crime with an Action point to look at how to reduce and remove barriers to people reporting hate crime and increase confidence in reporting these crimes.

Covid related fraud.

Housing for homeless in Weymouth.


FY 20/21 Q3 finance questions: (04:42:40 on recording).


The Chairman asked the Chief Finance Officer (OPCC) to respond to questions 1 & 2 questions via the minutes:-


1.     OPCC Commissioning Spend for FY19/20 was £2.2m.  In this FY to date it is reported as £339k.  Why the shortfall in commissioning?


A.    The OPCC line does appear to be behind schedule however this line includes both the income and expenditure for the OPCC and reflects the full year grants for Victims Funds. Commissioning activity has been busier than ever this year with specific Covid Funds available as well as our core spend. Commissioning spend up to the end of December was over £1m with further invoices expected imminently. The budget is forecast to be fully spent by year end.


2.     Could the OPCC please remind the panel where the uplift of £653k in the Capital Budget direct revenue contributions was sourced from?  


A.    Around a third of the additional revenue contributions have come from contributions from other Forces for forensics work that we host on behalf of the region. The remainder is in relation to uplift spend primarily for new vehicles, which has been funded from the ring fenced revenue grant received for that purpose.


3.     The Q2 report predicted an overspend of £1.4m, 3 months later this overspend is now quoted as £300k.  The Fin team are to be congratulated for this achievement.  Can the OPCC please outline how this swift turnaround of £1.1m was achieved?

The Chief Finance Officer (OPCC) responded and outlined how the turnaround was achieved (04.43:15 on recording).


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