Agenda item

Taxi Licensing Policy

The Council, as Licensing Authority under the Town Police Clause Act 1847 and the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, require a single policy to provide consistency across the district. The purpose of the policy is to define how the Council will exercise its responsibilities under the Act. The draft policy has been prepared by officers after consideration of responses from several focus groups. The draft is now ready to be considered by the Licensing Committee in preparation for it to be published, in draft format, for a period of public consultation, of not less than 12 weeks.



The Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations introduced the report and draft Taxi Licensing Policy.  This was the first Dorset Council Taxi Licensing Policy, prepared by officers after consideration of responses from the taxi trade and several focus groups. The draft Taxi Licensing Policy was to be considered by the Licensing Committee in preparation for publication, in draft format, for a period of public consultation, of not less than 12 weeks. 


The draft Taxi Licensing Policy would go to public consultation subject to any amendments discussed in the committee meeting.  It was fully expected to receive representations and submissions from the taxi trade, the public and other responsible authorities.  However, in the highly unlikely event of there being no response to the consultation, a small tweak to recommendation 2 was suggested to allow the Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations, in consultation with the Licensing Committee Chairman, to approve the Taxi Licensing Policy for adoption as opposed to recommend for adoption.  The Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations considered this highly unlikely to be required as he expected to receive a number of representations and each one would need to be considered.  Should there be additions, omissions or amendments to the policy following consultation, each of these would be brought to the full Licensing Committee for consideration prior to adoption of the full policy.


Following public consultation, the draft Taxi Licensing Policy would then go to the Overview Committee for comment and consideration prior to coming back to Licensing Committee for adoption.


The best bits of the 5 former district and borough councils’ policies had been incorporated into the draft Taxi Licensing Policy which had also been brought up to date with new standards, legislation, Safe & Suitable, National Inspection Standards and best practice.


The Licensing Committee members were invited to discuss the contents of the draft Taxi Licencing Policy and make comments/raise points/suggest amendments to the policy for update prior to public consultation.


Subject to making the amendments requested, the Licensing Committee was minded to approve the recommendations and recommended that the Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations take the decision accordingly.

The Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations decided that;

1) the draft Taxi Licence Policy, including amendments made in the meeting, be published for a period of public consultation of not less than 12 weeks.


2) subject to their being no relevant representations, the Service

Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations, in consultation with the Chairman of the Licensing Committee approves the draft Taxi Licence Policy for adoption as opposed to recommendation for adoption.


3) should relevant representations be received, which require consideration

of one or more significant amendments to the policy, instruct officers to bring

a further report to the meeting of the Licensing Committee with the

outcomes of the consultation.


Reason for Decision

1) To ensure openness and transparency in the Council’s decision making,


2) To ensure that those persons affected by the policy are given the

opportunity to have an input into it.

Supporting documents: