Agenda item

Application Nos 3/18/3485/DCC and 3/18/3484/DCC - Beacon Hill Landfill Site

To consider two applications in relation to Beacon Hill Landfill Site. The first application seeks to vary conditions to amend the date when landfill operations and site restoration are to complete, together with a revised scheme for site restoration. The second applications seek to retain 3 portacabins for the provision of office and welfare facilities for use in connection with the landfill operation and site restoration.


The Minerals and Waste Planning Manager introduced the two applications for Beacon Hill Landfill Site.  Using a visual presentation, the committee members were shown pictures of the site location, positioning of the 2 portacabins and advised that there would be no additional structures added to the site. 


The application sought to vary 4 conditions, 12 cells had already been filled and capped with restoration soils placed.  Having been mothballed in 2017, due to the shortage of waste for landfill, cell 13 was the last remaining.  The application sought to extend the previous permission until 2029, in the hope that at full capacity the cell would be full in two years but with less waste coming into the site that would take longer for the remaining cell to be complete.   The application also carried a 5 year after care plan. 


The Minerals and Waste Planning Manager advised there was no option but to fill the final cell as it was central to the completed restoration project.


The key planning issues were highlighted together with the impact on amenity and key issues, the impacts on amenity were likely to be short lived as the cell would be filled and be restored within 2 – 4 years.  Other considerations were the biodiversity and restoration plans, the visual amenity and landscape character and water resources.  Conditions from the original planning permission would be carried forward along with new/amended conditions.


In concluding the presentation, members were advised that with the remaining land fill site having capacity and presenting no undue impact on the landscape or green belt, there was no material considerations which would warrant refusal of this application.


Representations received were read to the committee members, these are attached as an appendix to the minutes and Cllr Mike Barron made a statement, this can be found at 4:00:48 on the recording.


It was emphasised that this was an existing site and safeguarded in the Bournemouth, Christchurch Poole and Dorset Waste Plan, it still had a purpose and the waste would be treated to a certain extent before going to landfill.


Member Questions focused on the timescales for the completion and restoration of the site, options for alternative landfill waste to be accepted, what engineering capping involved and if there had been issues in the past with the site.


The Minerals and Waste Planning Manager advised that cell 13 stood mothballed and adjoined the restored cells.  There was a requirement to pump water out of cell 13 to avoid potential problems with damage to adjoining cells. There was permanent staff on site all the time to keep an eye on and pump out as necessary.  The Environmental Agency was also monitoring the site.

There had not been many complaints regarding the site since 2010 and if members did not grant planning permission then the Council would have to consider enforcing the current restoration scheme from 1995, however there were benefits from the new scheme and water management schemes.


Members considered that with this being an existing site with a liaison committee in place, the new restoration plan was better than previously granted and provision for landfill was needed.


It was proposed by Cllr Sherry Jespersen and seconded by Cllr Alex Brenton that the committee support the recommendations for both applications as laid out in the officer’s report.


On being put to the vote the committee were minded to support the recommendations to grant the applications.


The Head of Planning confirmed he had heard the whole of the debate and the application would be determined in line with the committee’s minded to decision.


Supporting documents: