Agenda item

Taxi Licensing Policy

To receive a report from The Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety Operations.


The Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety presented the report for a new Taxi Licence Policy.  The draft policy had been out to consultation for 12 weeks and received 64 responses, it had been considered by the Place and Overview Committee and was before the Licensing Committee for adoption and the agreement of an implementation date following consideration of the responses from the consultation and comments from the Place and Overview Committee.  The Dorset Disability Equality Forum had also given input to the policy.


After discussion with focus groups, looking at best practice and following the guidance and legislation, Licensing Officers had reviewed the four policies from predecessor councils and prepared the new draft.


The Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety went through the proposed changes individually which were highlighted in red for reference.  He advised that, due to the amount of time required and work involved in getting garages approved for testing, setting up training courses, setting maximum tariffs, fees and charges, the proposed policy implementation date was 1 April 2022, however the Criminal Conviction Policy at Appendix G would come into effect on 1 December 2021.


A key aspect of the policy for Dorset Council was to invest in their drivers by looking to undertake it’s duty under the Equalities Act by encouraging training in a diverse range of disabilities, thus creating a rating system based on the completion of training courses over and above the mandatory safeguarding modules. These would be at cost to drivers and advertised on the Council’s web site.


There were changes in relation to vehicle inspections and safeguarding.  In relation to the zones the recommended option (c in the report) was to continue with the proposals contained within the draft policy and review the position in three years’ time when a new unmet demand survey would be required for the Weymouth & Portland zone. In response to a question on unmet demand the committee were advised that at the last survey there was no unmet demand other than for wheelchair accessible vehicles.  Because of hackney plate values it was felt prudent and fair to drivers to give notice and review the potential removal of the limit in three years’ time.


Policy proposals were to have a combined drivers licence but there may be occasions applicants don’t want a combined licence so would still be able to specify either private hire or hackney carriage licences.


Officers would have discussions with the trade in regard to maximum tariffs as part of a separate consultation exercise.


There was some discussion on advertising and members were keen that there should not be any inappropriate advertising on vehicles.  Members were cautioned not to impose advertising restrictions that could be open to legal challenge, but additional wording to say “inappropriate advertising such as gambling, adult entertainment, smoking and alcohol, was strongly discouraged” could be added to the policy.  This would also be kept under review.

Any applications refused for advertising not in line with these guidelines could be referred back to the committee on appeal.


Officers aimed to have as many inspection centres as possible, any MOT station in the Dorset Council area could apply, it was suggested that it may be possible to combine the taxi vehicle inspection with the MOT to save licence holders money.


It was felt inappropriate to impose CCTV as a condition but dashcams were recommended, in line with applicable guidance.


Guidelines relating to the size of seats would apply to new vehicle licence applications but those with existing vehicles would be allowed to run until end of vehicle life.  There was no obligation on the taxi driver to provide child seats under legislation.


Cllr Carole Jones proposed David Taylor seconded.


On being put to the vote the committee, having reviewed the responses received during the consultation period and considered the comments received from the Place and Resources Overview Committee were minded to support the Taxi Licence Policy with the proposed  amendments agreed in the committee meeting.


The Head of Community and Public Protection confirmed that he had listened to the discussion and the committee’s minded to recommendation  he would use his delegated powers to approve the Taxi Licence Policy for adoption with the amendments agreed and implementation dates as agreed in the report.



That the draft Taxi Licensing Policy be adopted with the agreed implementation date of 1 April 2022 and the Criminal Conviction Policy at Appendix G would come into effect on 1 December 2021.


Reason for Recommendations:

To ensure the safety of the public and support the fair operation of the trade.


Supporting documents: