Agenda item

P/FUL/2021/00928 - Land adjacent Buckland House, Buckland House Lane, Buckland Ripers, Weymouth, DT3 4FT

Use of land as camping site from 15th May to 30th June only.


The Committee considered an application to extend the use of the land as a camping site from 15 May to 30 June only.


Cllrs David Shortell, John Worth and Jean Dunseith did not take part in the debate or vote on this application.


The Vice-Chairman was in the Chair for consideration of this application.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the application that included the site location, relevant planning history, aerial photo and photos of the site.


The main issues were highlighted including:-

·       Principle of development

·       Biodiversity

·       Highways

·       Landscape and visual impact

·       Amenity

·       Habitats


Summary details of an additional representation and an amendment to condition 3 was included in an update sheet circulated to the committee prior to the meeting.


The written representations were read out by the Technical Support Officer in accordance with the amended public speaking protocol and are attached to these minutes.


Cllr Jean Dunseith addressed the Committee as the ward member to object to the application due to the conflict with residents created by extending the timeframe, the increased detrimental impact on amenity; and use of an additional field used for tents that was closer to residential properties.  She considered that this was against Local Plan Policy ENV16 and asked that the committee consider the balance between tourism and respecting the rights of residents.


Cllr John Worth addressed the Committee as the ward member to object on behalf of Chickerell Town Council.  He described complaints about noise, cooking smells and excess traffic which would increase if a further extension was granted, as well as the impact on wildlife due to the extension being within the bird breeding season. He stated that conditions attached to previous planning permissions had been ignored. 


In response to matters raised during public participation, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that:-


·       whether or not the applicant was living on the site did not form part of the planning balance.


·       comments made regarding land used for tents in fields to the west of the site was outside of the scope of this application or the existing planning consent. 


·       That there was no extension to the area to be used for camping as a result of this application.


The Committee wished to explore some of the discrepancies arising from the public participation written submissions and previous permissions.  However, members were advised that the concerns raised related to potential breaches of planning control and would be dealt with through the planning enforcement process as necessary.


Some members remained concerned and debated the need for the time extension, impact on neighbouring amenity, alleged camping outside of the designated area, campervans on the site and increased traffic.  There was also a degree of reflection on the applicant’s attitude towards permissions and the need for more enforcement.  The views of the ward councillors were particularly noted.


Proposed by Cllr Dave Bolwell, seconded by Cllr Bill Pipe.


The committee was minded to delegate authority to the Head of Planning to grant the application in line with the report recommendations and subject to conditions, as amended in the update sheet.


The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement, having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation, and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority.


Decision of the Service Manager:

(A): That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the legal services manager to secure a financial contribution of £1932.28 to mitigation and avoidance measures for the Chesil and Fleet and subject to the conditions (as amended) outlined in the appendix to these minutes.


(B): Refuse permission for the reasons set out below if the agreement is not completed within 6 months of the committee resolution or such extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning:


1.  The site is located within 5km of Chesil and The Fleet European Habitats Sites where an Appropriate Assessment has concluded that significant effects from additional recreational pressures cannot be ruled out. In the absence of a financial contribution to Strategic Avoidance and Mitigation Measures to mitigate the impacts of the development, the proposal would have an unacceptable affect on these sites and would be contrary to policy ENV2 of the West Dorset Weymouth and Portland Local Plan and section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Cllr John Worth left the meeting at this juncture.

Supporting documents: