Issue - decisions

Draft Council Plan

07/10/2021 - Dorset Council Plan

The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change presented the report on the update of the Dorset Council Plan.


Input in respect of the development of the plan had consisted of a workshop involving both of the council’s overview committees on 26 July 2021 followed by their formal meetings of 2 September and 17 September 2021.  The minutes and comments from those meetings were attached at appendix 3 of the report.


He highlighted that although the primary focus had been the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, members of these committee(s) were keen that “climate and ecology” became a priority within the Plan. This aimed to reflect that the Council had adopted its Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy and action plan since the first Dorset Council Plan had been agreed in January 2020.


Responding to previous questions put by non-executive members, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that climate and ecology was now one of the key themes to be considered within the plan.


The overview committee(s) had also suggested that the name of the plan caused some confusion with the (planning) developing Local Plan, however he was of the view that changing the name at this stage, would cause further confusion.  The Portfolio Holder advised that following discussions with the communications team, efforts would be made, the public domain, to clearly distinguish the difference between the two plans.


The Portfolio Holder suggested that the Dorset Plan be recommended to full Council along with a proposal to give delegated powers to the Portfolio Holder, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive for the final design of the plan.


The Leader of the Council thanked the overview committee(s) for their contribution in developing the Dorset Council Plan.


In response to a question regarding strengthening the “housing for young families “priority, the Portfolio Holder for Housing recognised and acknowledged the work required for this priority, but also highlighted that there were other issues that needed to be considered.


Members of Cabinet expressed a “minded to view” to support the recommendations.


Recommendation to Full Council from the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change


(a)           That the updated Dorset Council plan, as set out in appendix I of the report to Cabinet 5 October 2021, be adopted.


(b)           That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive for the final design of the plan.


Reason for Recommendation: 


To provide clarity about this council’s priorities following the COVID-19 pandemic.